Gas Vs. Electric Boiler: Which Is Best for Your Home?

29th August 2023

A recent 2022 survey from the Office of National Statistics revealed that around 45% of homeowners struggled to afford their energy bills and mortgage. This figure rose by 5% from the previous year.

Are you struggling to afford your energy bills and considering a boiler replacement?

Keep reading as we explore the key differences between gas and electric boilers and how you can make the best choice for your home. Don’t miss out on this valuable information that can help weather the storm of the cost of living crisis!

What Is a Gas Boiler?

A gas boiler, in essence, is like a furnace. You can control the temperature via a thermostat, adjusting the heat level produced by your boiler. It provides your home with heat for your radiators and hot water.

A gas boiler works by heating large amounts of water and pumping them throughout your home to increase the temperature of your radiators and water supply. The water is heated to around 70 degrees Celsius before being pumped throughout your home.

The gas burned to produce heat will either come from a bulk LPG gas supply or will be sourced from the gas mains. 

Is a Gas Boiler Hazardous?

To ensure your gas boiler isn’t hazardous for you or your family, invest in a carbon monoxide detector and have your boiler serviced regularly. A gas boiler burns natural gas with no oxygen, producing a yellow flame. 

This flame burns the natural gas to produce carbon monoxide. If inhaled in large quantities, carbon monoxide kills. So, investing in a carbon monoxide detector will make sure you’re alerted to any leaks from your gas boiler. And having regular servicing will help you identify any potential leaks before they become dangerous.

Benefits of a Gas Boiler

Why should you choose a gas boiler for your home? Let’s discuss.

  • Energy efficiency gas is the most economical energy source for your heating system, providing more energy efficiency than oil and electric alternatives.
  • Space economy – if you’re using an oil boiler, you need to find storage space for your oil tank. With a gas boiler, however, there’s no need to store any tanks, as the gas can be supplied from the primary grid.
  • Clean – natural gas is one of the cleanest burning fuels than oil and coal. Choosing a gas boiler can help lower your carbon footprint, especially when the alternative is an oil fuel source.

Disadvantages of a Gas Boiler

Nothing’s perfect, and there are a few disadvantages to consider when choosing a gas boiler. Here’s what you need to know:

  • High upfront costs – if you’re choosing a high-efficiency model, a gas boiler can be more expensive than oil and electric alternatives. Hooking the gas lines up to the boiler makes installing more expensive.
  • Gas leaks – your home can become a dangerous place if there happens to be a gas leak. There is the risk of explosion upon ignition within your home, and carbon monoxide inhalation could be fatal.

What Is an Electric Boiler?

An electric boiler is an excellent option to reduce your use of fossil fuels. They use electricity to heat water and transport it throughout your home for heating and hot water supply.

You can choose from an electric system boiler, an electric combination boiler, or a flow boiler. Modern electric boilers can be 100% efficient, meaning you’ll get the most out of the energy you use.

The electric boiler works by heating an element using electricity, similar to your curling iron, kettle, or hotplate. The boiler then transports water through this element to heat it. This water is then transported throughout your home to provide the desired temperature.

Want an electric boiler? Choose a UK electric boiler from GreenMatch for competitive prices and boiler recommendations.

Benefits of an Electric Boiler

Here’s what you’ll gain by choosing an electric boiler for your home.

  • Noise control – without moving parts, an electric boiler is much quieter than gas or oil boilers.
  • Space-saving – unlike oil boilers, an electric boiler does not require storage space for an oil tank so you can save valuable space in your home.
  • Safety – an electric boiler is entirely safe, and there is no risk of a gas leak.
  • Low-maintenance – electric boilers are low-maintenance, requiring yearly checkups and having a lifespan of up to 25 years.
  • Efficiency – electric boilers are much more efficient than gas or oil methods, ensuring the energy you use brings in equal amounts of hot water with 100% efficiency.

Disadvantages of an Electric Boiler

Here are the downsides to consider before investing in an electric boiler.

  • Small-scale – an electric boiler only provides enough hot water for smaller homes. If you have a pretty large house, then an electric boiler will be less effective.
  • Power cuts – unless you’re using solar power for your home, your heating will cut out if the power goes out in your area.


Before choosing a new boiler, evaluate your options and learn about the limitations of each boiler type. An electric boiler is an efficient option for most homes but won’t make the cut for a large house. A gas boiler can accommodate larger homes but presents the risk of gas leaks. Ultimately, your best choice depends on your budget, home size, and energy efficiency goals.