Daily archive

May 08, 2019

Less than smart driver infuriated motorists

A less than smart driver has caused hilarity among their fellow motorists today after parking bonnet-out on Duke Street. The black smart car was reversed into a small space and left for
8th May 2019

Food Waste Fund: £4 million awarded to cut food waste

First round of funding awarded to redistribution organisations to substantially reduce food waste from businesses The government has awarded more than £4 million to four redistribution organisations across England to help overcome
8th May 2019

Local Health Body to meet in Hilldale, Ormskirk

HEALTHCARE commissioners in West Lancashire are to hold their next Governing Body meeting in public at Hilldale on the Ormskirk Hospital site on Tuesday 21 May 2019, from 10.00am – 12.00pm. Members
8th May 2019