Woodvale’s Antisocial Hotspot Again

25th March 2018

Residents in Woodvale are claiming that it is dangerous to walk around the area at night, thanks to roaming groups of antisocial youths in gangs. Much of the disruptive activity is reported to relate to gangs causing a nuisance in the area, whilst waiting for drug deals to take place.

Vandalism and antisocial activity have been rife. The old derelict Brook pub on the corner of Sandbrook Way recently had its top windows smashed in again but they have now been boarded up.

One female resident at Sandbrook Way flats, who does not wish to be named, told OTS News: “It’s terrifying especially for older people and our pets when these noisy yobs are running wild outside our flats. You work all your life and end up having to put up with this. It’s a disgrace, where are our police are what sort of hopeless parents do these doped -up louts have to let them do this?”

Did police ignore calls for help in Woodvale?

Over the months emergency calls to the police have been made by numerous fraught residents in the area and on some occasions they allegedly even failed to turn up. Police later claimed to have attended the area, yet residents (being fully aware of events outside their flats) stated that this was absolute nonsense. In view of such claims, residents have asked if the police possibly attended the wrong area.

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This Woodvale area is infamous for long-standing antisocial activity so why is it being permitted to carry on? What are the authorities actually doing to sort out this long – troubled hotspot?

Reporting it!  If it’s urgent ring 999

There may be times when you want to report an incident, or give information to help solve crimes, but you don’t want anyone to know who you are. If this is the case you can call Crimestoppers, 0800 555 111 . They are a UK charity, independent of the police, which mean if you call them, you won’t have to give your name. It also means you won’t have to give evidence or go to court.

See also
