Woodlands Animal Sanctuary – Support – it means the world

27th October 2017

Woodlands – Support – it means the world

“Helping one animal may not make a difference to the world, but it will make the world of difference to that one animal” this is Woodlands Animal Sanctuary’s motto and I’m sure you will agree that although fairly simple, it is quite a poignant statement and something that we could all aspire to live by, be that with people or animals. Although the charity rescues, rehabilitates and releases or rehomes a variety of animals, the help and support that is seen day in and out at this sanctuary is something that everyone involved should be very proud of. The team of permanent staff, are very lucky to have a team of dedicated volunteers who they have come to rely on. The support that is shown to the staff and animals is a massive help on a daily basis, and not only that but it helps boost morale, especially when times get tough; and if you have animals yourself or work with them you’ll know that tough times can be quite common.

From cleaning, to animal care, to fundraising – both the new and long standing volunteers are invaluable to the staff and animals at Woodlands. If you listen carefully you will hear various different members of staff, on both quiet and busy days, wishing for the help of a certain valued volunteer or thanking their lucky stars that such and such a person is in that day.

Equally, the animals and staff can also make quite an impact on volunteers. Woodlands has been able to help people grow in confidence, with both people and animals, provide a stepping stone onto further learning and employment.

Volunteers come from all aspects of life from children through to those who have retired and everyone can benefit from a feeling of belonging which can be so rewarding.
So from the team of staff and trustees: a very big, heartfelt thank you to ALL the hardworking volunteers. And if you think you have time in your life that you could spend at Woodlands Animal Sanctuary and become a part of the team then visit the website: www.woodlandsanimalsanctuary.org.uk or call them on: 01704 823293.