Why Is Correct Waste Management Important in a Salon?

23rd February 2022

Improper waste management and disposal in salons and other businesses significantly negatively impact the environment. But how does improper waste management cause such adverse effects?


This article will discuss how you should control your waste, especially if you own a salon or work in one.

What Is Waste Management?

Waste management is handling waste materials from the time they are created until they are disposed of. It includes collecting, transportation, recycling, and scrapping of wastes.


Here is the main reason why waste management is important:

Harmful to the Environment

Hazardous wastes, like the products used in salons and plastics, incorrectly sent to landfills can contaminate the soil. They can even reach the ocean and endanger marine life when fishes eat these bits of plastics and digest other chemicals.


Additionally, greenhouse gases from decomposing wastes can trap heat and damage the ozone layer. Improperly disposed wastes can also block drainage systems and cause floods.

Dangerous to Human Health

Aside from damaging the environment, improper disposal of wastes can also bring diseases. The most important and apparent reason for correct waste management in households and businesses like salons is to protect the health and safety of the people.


It is also vital to note that some products in salons are considered hazardous waste. These wastes should not be poured down the sink or drainage and be treated as regular trash. They will harm the environment, people’s health, and the reputation of your business.

What Are the Types of Salon Waste?

To further understand why correct waste disposal is necessary for your salon business and know how to dispose of them correctly, you’ll need first to identify the types of salon waste.


1.    Clinical Wastes

Clinical waste are those common for healthcare facilities and salons such as pads, cotton buds, wax strips, and items containing body fluids.

2.    Sharp Wastes

Sharps are anything that can puncture or pierce the skin. They can be blades and needles used in acupuncture, micro pigmentation, and tattoos. Proper disposal of used sharps is crucial for safety and should be done in designated sharps bins, followed by appropriate sharps bin collection protocols.


Since sharps can tear the skin, you should use puncture-proof bins with lids for safety. The sharp containers are usually coloured yellow. Be careful not to mix sharps with soft clinical wastes because the sharps might puncture the bag.

3.    General Wastes

General wastes in a salon can’t be recycled and are not hazardous. General wastes include non-recyclable food wrappers, tissues used for cleaning, and cut hair.


They are usually disposed of in a landfill or incineration plants.

4.    Hazardous Wastes

Many products used in salons are considered hazardous. Some hazardous wastes include hair colouring, nail polish removers, disinfectants, and nail polish. Salons should comply with their government’s hazardous waste disposal laws to prevent fines and penalties.


To properly dispose of hazardous wastes, you can follow the following practices:


Categorize Hazardous Bins

There should be a separate bin for aerosols and flammable, corrosive acidic, and corrosive alkaline.


Seal the Bins Properly

After categorizing hazardous wastes and placing them in containers separately, seal them properly.


Put Labels

You should place labels on your hazardous wastes and other types of trash to prevent mixing wastes.


Store Hazardous Wastes in Designated Area

While waiting for the collection of wastes, you should store your hazardous wastes in a safe area to ensure safety.


Regularly Check Storage Area.

You should check your storage area regularly to ensure that the trash containers and bins are not damaged.

5.    Recyclable Wastes

Recyclable wastes, as their name suggests, are those that can be repurposed. These wastes can be used again for the same purpose or another purpose.


Recycling is one of the best waste management methods to prevent these recyclable wastes from reaching the ocean, harming wildlife, and polluting the environment.


Below are some wastes you can recycle or place in the recyclable bins:



The increasing production of plastic waste and low recycling rates are the most significant waste problem today. Plastics can remain in the environment for up to 1,000 years.


Uncontaminated plastics used in the salons, such as shampoo and conditioner bottles, disinfectants, and other plastic containers, should be placed in the recyclable wastes. Some waste management businesses provide recycling services if you can’t recycle them.


Cans and Aluminium Foil

If your local recycling program accepts aluminium foils, you will need to clean them well before putting them on the recyclable container.



Newspapers, magazines, brochures, flyers, cardboards, and other types of uncontaminated papers can be recycled. Ensure to dispose of them correctly in the recycle bin to avoid contamination or getting wet.


Waste management is a vital aspect of our everyday lives, not only in salons but also in every establishment and household. Bear in mind that managing our wastes can either benefit or endanger our environment.