Wellington’s Annie says it’s time to give the boot to pub game

7th October 2020

A much loved pub landlady says she may have pulled her last ever pint after deciding to enter semi-retirement.

Annie McTaggart, the well respected and no nonesense landlady of the Wellington Pub on Eastbank Street, is bidding goodbye to bitter and waving away wine as she finally takes a break from running a hectic bar.

Speaking to OTS News this week, Annie, well known for her charity work and crime fighting, said she would miss her regulars but will take time to enjoy the company of her family.

She said “Firstly I want to thank all my lovely customers staff and mick Walsh my area manager from southport for being a great leader.

“Of course I’m not totally finished running pubs never say never but I’m going to have some time with my grandkids.

“I am going into Semi retirement but I may probably do holiday reliefs still around.

“I Need to spend time with our grandkids but I will miss all my charity work.”

OTS News wishes Annie the best of luck and full health to enjoy her semi retirement.