Warm Home Discount Reopens For Another Winter in the UK

16th December 2022

The government’s Warm Home Discount scheme is back for another winter. It helps low-income households and people on certain benefits reduce their winter energy bills. 

The Warm Home Discount scheme was launched by the government in 2011 to help struggling households. It will continue until March 2023 and will offer PS150 off electricity bills. This one-off payment is paid directly to the electricity supplier or bank account of qualifying customers. It does not affect other bills.

Warm Home Discount: What You Should Know

The Warm Home Discount scheme is a UK government initiative that aims to help people who have difficulty paying their energy bills. The scheme requires energy suppliers to provide support to those who qualify. 

In addition, the government has announced that it is increasing the discount next winter. The new scheme will also make changes to the eligibility criteria. Customers with a low income and living in England and Wales will be eligible for the discount.

This program is a popular solution among UK residents: according to a report by the Office for National Statistics, inflation in the country has reached a record high in the past 40 years. Rising prices can be observed for all goods and services, which causes certain financial difficulties for the British. Thus, according to promocodius.co.uk experts, 57% of British people prefer to buy goods at a discount or using coupons to save money. 

Eligibility for the Warm Home Discount Scheme Has Increased

Most people will qualify automatically. But many still need to apply. People on Pension Credit can also apply for additional money to help with living and housing costs. This extra money can also help people who are caring for a disabled person or are responsible for a child.

The Warm Home Discount scheme reopened for core group 2 households in England and Wales on November 14. If you’re a core group 2 household, you’ll receive a letter between November and January instructing you to call the Warm Home Discount helpline. The discount will then be deducted from your electricity bill by 31st March 2023. You Can take £150 off on energy bills. Previously, this scheme was £140 only.

However, the new scheme will not be available in Northern Ireland. You can check if you’re eligible by visiting the government website or contacting the ​​Warm Home Discount helpline. These helplines are open Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm.