Tribute to “Dukes Woman” Patricia Ball

28th October 2017

Councillor David Barton, the local District Councillor for Dukes Ward has provided his own tribute at the recent Sefton Council Meeting to Councillor Patricia Ball, also affectionately known as the “Dukes Woman” of Duke Street.

Councillor Ball who has long supported the local Southport economy during her time as highly respected Hotelier and Proprietor of the “Shelbourne Hotel”, “Valentino’s Ristorante” and “Nigel’s Bar” here in the Southport Town Centre has been accredited by her former colleague.

Councillor Barton said:

“Councillor Ball having been elected the first lady Councillor Representative for Dukes Ward here in the District, was one of the first local figures who introduced me to the political sphere and I should like to show her my appreciations for all the kindness and guidance she was able to provide during my time before formally becoming local District Councillor, and during my time as the Official Conservative Council Candidate in 2014.

At this time I should also like to extend my own well wishes to this former mentor’s family and close ones and once again thank her for her own contributions towards improving the local Southport Community be this in her capacity with the Southport “Little Theater”, her vast personal relationships with various residents across the Seaside Town or her consistently positive drive which I personally found to be very inspiring.”

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