Three best ways of germinating marijuana seeds

17th May 2022


Indoor vs outdoor germination

Three ways of germinating cannabis seeds


The cannabis cultivation journey starts with germinating your marijuana seeds. There are various ways to start your seeds, but they all consist of a few easy steps and typically take less than ten days.


Do you know which germination technique to use for your Keep reading to discover three different ways.


Indoor vs outdoor germination

The life of every cannabis plant starts with germination. You’ll know your attempt was successful when you see a small white taproot, or tendril, emerge from your weed seed.


There are two ways to germinate cannabis seeds: indoors or outdoors. Most growers prefer the former, as it offers the following benefits:


  • Higher chances of seed survival
  • Reduced exposure to harsh weather conditions
  • Less risk of mould, pests, and pathogens
  • Lower chances of damage and external tampering
  • Easier to keep your fragile seeds safe


Starting your marijuana seeds outside puts them at considerable risk of negative influences. Always germinate your cannabis seeds in a controlled environment to protect them during their most vulnerable stage.


Three ways of germinating cannabis seeds

Check what states you can grow your own weed in before planting any marijuana seeds. This way, you won’t run into any legal problems.


Without further ado, let’s look at three of the best ways of germinating marijuana seeds indoors:


The paper towel technique

This technique is by far the most popular way of starting cannabis seeds. It’s easy, inexpensive, and almost always delivers reliable results. Expect a taproot to reveal itself within one to five days.


Gather the following items to execute the paper towel germination method:


  • Two large plates


  • Some paper towel sheets


  • A bowl of purified water


  • Tweezers


Then, follow these simple steps:


  1. Dip a paper towel in the water, squeeze out the extra moisture, and spread it flat on a plate.


  1. Use tweezers to assemble your weed seeds on the wet sheet. Leave an inch of space between them, but don’t germinate too many on the same dish.


  1. Mist your seeds with some water from a spray bottle but avoid drowning them in liquid. If you see puddles of moisture, soak them up with spare paper towels. Check the bottom sheet for freestanding water by lifting it.


  1. Repeat the first step with a new paper towel and lay it flat over your marijuana seeds.


  1. Use another plate as a lid by placing it face down towards the bottom plate.


  1. Place your germinating marijuana seeds in a warm, dark, and relatively humid location—like a cupboard or empty room. Check on them daily to ensure they have sufficient moisture.


  1. A taproot will pop from your cannabis seeds over the next five days. Use tweezers to transplant them to their intended growing medium when the taproot is a quarter-inch long. Avoid touching the taproots directly.


The glass of water method

This technique is straightforward, cheap, and quick. The only downside is that it’s less consistent than the paper towel method and offers varying results. Nonetheless, it’s a common germination method and worth checking out.


Start by pouring some lukewarm water—around 71℉— into a tall glass. Drop your marijuana seeds inside and watch them sprout taproots within the next five days.


Some growers prefer to begin by placing their seeds in a glass of water for a maximum of 24 hours. After that, they continue the germination process with the paper towel technique.


Planting directly into the growing medium

Although you can accomplish this method of cannabis seed germination outdoors, it’s best performed in a sheltered environment.


This way, you have more control over the factors that influence your marijuana seeds and a lower risk of external stressors. Planting directly into the chosen growing medium is particularly beneficial for fast version and autoflower seeds.


Here’s what you need:


  • A suitable growing pot


  • A bucket of water


  • Organic, nutrient-rich, well-aerated soil


Then, follow these easy steps:


  1. Soak the soil in a bucket of water for a couple of hours.


  1. Drain the water once the soil is soft and damp.


  1. Place the soil in your growing pot.


  1. Use your fingers to make a half-inch deep hole. Carefully put your marijuana seed inside, and sprinkle some soil over it.


  1. Place your pot in a dark room under a fluorescent lamp, ensuring there’s plenty of moisture in the soil each day.


  1. Expect a taproot to appear over the next four to seven days.


Top tips for germinating cannabis seeds

By following expert advice, you can eliminate your odds of unsuccessful germination. Here are the golden rules for starting marijuana seeds:


  • Always use purified water


  • Keep the temperature around 71–77℉


  • Use fluorescent lamps


  • Never allow your seeds to dry out, and always keep them moist


  • Maintain humidity levels of 70–90%


Learning how to germinate weed seeds isn’t as difficult as it sounds. All you need to do is pick a method and execute it in a few simple steps. Remember to check your local laws before cultivating cannabis.



Jennifer Gallagher

Jennifer Gallagher, an experienced cannabis grower at SeedSupreme Seedbank. During a 7-year career in the marijuana growing business, Jennifer has gained a high competence in this field. As far as weed is concerned, she knows it all inside out. Jennifer is an expert in pot-growing, as well as cannabis types and their effects. She’s also familiar with all legislation nuances.
