WARNING | Thieves marking vacant Southport properties

31st October 2018

Warning to Southport Residents

A warning to be aware of, a practice that was first identified in the North Strand area of Dublin in the Republic of Ireland and was recently reported in an article written in a Merseyside newspaper.

Thieves are apparently marking property that may be vacant, unvisited or where the residents are temporary not in residence. Burglars are using clear tape like Sellotape to identify potential homes that could be targeted. At the time of the publication in the paper this practice had not happened in Merseyside. However since the article appeared in the newspaper, one incident has been reported in Southport where shiny foil Sellotape has been found underneath the back door handle of a property.

Residents who come across any such incident should remove the tape unless there has actually been a burglary and report the details immediately to the Police.