Southport people living with cancer invited to chat about their health and wellbeing

16th July 2018
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Southport people living with cancer invited to chat about their health and wellbeing

People across Southport and Formby who are affected by cancer are invited to find out more about the range of health and wellbeing support available to them on Thursday 19 July.

The Southport Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre, a joint partnership set up by Macmillan and NHS Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), is holding a Health and Wellbeing event in partnership with Southport & Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust, at the Royal Clifton Hotel in Southport from 2pm – 4.30pm.

The aim of the afternoon is to support people in adjusting to life with and beyond cance by providing information on the wide range of services which are available locally as well as healthy living activities.

There will be a number of information stalls for people to visit and access support from cancer nurse specialists, support groups and other key organisations.   The main talk will be around community support led by Hannah Bland (Community Connector for Southport) from Sefton CVS.

People will be able to take part in two breakout sessions, “Fear of recurrence” by Alexandra Waddington, Assistant Psychologist for Clinical Health Psychology and Community Pain Service, Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust and “The Importance of Self-Management” by Cass Garner, Colorectal Support Worker for Southport and Ormskirk NHS Hospital Trust.

There will also be a healthy eating demonstration on the day, a pilates taster session, Boots mini pamper sessions and hand massages by Sefton OPERA throughout the afternoon.

Dr Graeme Allan, Macmillan GP and NHS Southport and Formby CCG cancer clinical lead, said: “These events are ideal for people to come along and meet others who have had a similar experience.

“It is always useful to share and the hope is that there may be an activity or group out there that suits an individual’s needs, so you might go away with an idea of what we can help you with.

“It’s a friendly and informative event and everyone is very welcome.”

Sonia Holdsworth, Macmillan Partnership Quality Lead for Cheshire and Merseyside, said: “We saw over 150 people at the last event and we hope to see even more this time, they are always a great success and the more people we can support the better.

“The feedback we get is that people enjoy meeting others they can chat to, whether that be other patients, clinical nurse specialists or someone from a support group.

“Many people who come to the centre or one of our events have joined one of the support groups such as the walking, cycling or craft group, which they feel is another good way to meet others and get out and about during or after treatment.”

Elaine Deeming, Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust’s lead cancer nurse, said: “We’re delighted to continue to build on the success of previous health and well-being clinics.

“The events provide access to the wide range of services available locally in one venue, making it easier for our attendees.”

Anyone affected by cancer, either recently or in the past, as well as family and friends supporting others are welcome to book onto this free event.

The events are friendly and educational with the opportunity for visitors to chat to cancer nurse specialists, key organisations and support groups. The Macmillan Singing Group will also be performing on arrival, to welcome people to the event.

The Health and Wellbeing events are free of charge and refreshments are provided, but booking is essential. To book onto the next event please call 01704 533024 or email:

For more information about the work of the Macmillan Information and Support Centre on Stanley Street in Southport, please see the website:

You can watch a video here about the regular events in Southport: