MP slams Southport Labour after Liz undermines staff

14th January 2019
Southport MP Damien Moore wasted no time in getting his voice heard in parliament

‘I want to pay tribute and show my appreciation for our wonderful staff at Southport Hospital who have worked extremely hard this Winter, improving services by 10%, meaning patients spend two hours less in A&E in comparison to last year.

‘I find it extremely disappointing that Liz Savage and Southport Labour Party continue to undermine and paint the hospital and its staff in a bad light because they think it will gain them a couple of extra votes at the ballot box.

‘Since I was elected in 2017, Conservative colleagues and I have achieved reassurances from Health Ministers about the Hospital; I welcomed the then Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt MP, to speak with Doctors and Nurses and to hear first-hand about patient safety; I have successfully campaigned for further investment by the Government into Southport Hospital, culminating in a new £1.25 million additional investment into the A&E to extend the facilities; and I have even joined medical staff for a day to experience patient care myself. In only 18-months, that is my record, and that of the Conservative Party on Southport’s Hospital, and figures now show there is a 10% improvement.

‘In that same time, the Labour Party and Liz Savage have achieved nothing for Southport Hospital but negative press, whilst behind the scenes they repeatedly tried to move healthcare services to Ormskirk, just as they previously did with the Children’s A&E Department.

‘Whilst Labour have a shameful record when it comes to delivering health services locally. Working with Silas and his team, I will continue to help deliver improvements and ensure great healthcare for local people that we can all be proud of.’


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