Most Effective Drain Cleaning Methods Revealed

21st March 2024

Water buildup in sinks and tubs due to a clogged drain can be a source of frustration and inconvenience for homeowners. It is a common household problem that needs to be addressed right away to avoid further damage and keep the living space clean. Fortunately, there are several useful approaches to clear blocked pipes, ranging from simple DIY methods to more advanced solutions.

Most Effective Ways to Unclog the Drain:

Stats indicate that more than 80%  of all plumbing issues in households are attributed to clogged pipes. Blocked drains can happen when grease, dirt, and debris, like food particles, accumulate on the pipe walls. However, implementing preventive measures and routine maintenance by the Norwich drain cleaners can fix all drainage issues and stop them from happening again. Here are some common methods to unclog the plumbing system and ensure its longevity:

Boiling Water for Opening Clogged Drain: 

Start with the easiest method possible: pour boiling water down the drain. This can aid in dissolving any soap scum and grease that might be the obstruction. Before adding boiling water, try to remove any standing water from the sink or tub. Do this two or three more times. Multiple attempts can improve the effectiveness, especially for tougher clogs. Be cautious if your plumbing system includes PVC pipes. 

Natural Homemade Cleaner:

A simple and effective DIY method for unclogging a drain involves using baking soda and vinegar, which are readily available in everyone’s home. Begin by pouring a significant amount of baking soda down the drain, followed by vinegar. This combination creates a foaming reaction that can help break down clogs. After letting it sit for an hour or overnight, flush the drain with hot water. The approach is effective in stubborn or solid matter. 

Use of Plunger for Drain Opening: 

Using a plunger to create suction and remove a blockage is a more practical approach. Make sure the drain is tightly sealed, then firmly press and pull the plunger. It helps to break up and move the debris caused by organic matter or softer materials, facilitating improved drainage. If the water begins to move, continue plunging to ensure the complete removal of the obstruction.

Did You Know?

The drain cleaning equipment market is experiencing an expected annual growth rate of 6.0% over the forecast period. In 2022, the market was valued at approximately $234.6 million, and it’s projected to increase to $418.9 million by 2032.

Chemical Drain Cleaners:

There are several solid or liquid forms of acids and alkaline used to clean the lines. These chemicals are poured directly into the clogged drain, where they react and dislodge the organic debris. These products do, however, include potent chemicals that have the potential to harm the environment and eventually damage pipelines. If you choose a chemical solution, make sure you wear safety equipment such as gloves and eye protection and strictly follow the product’s directions.

Effective Plumbing Tools:

A snake or auger is a physical tool designed to reach and clear blocked drains within pipes. It is long, flexible, and about ¼ inches thick to unclog your lines. The auger has a hand crank on one end and has a corkscrew connected to it. Insert its flexible side into the drain and turn the handle, allowing the device to either break up or retrieve the clog. This technique is especially useful for clearing challenging clogs that could be found further down the plumbing system.

A pipe inspection camera can be utilized in more complicated situations to pinpoint the precise location and type of obstruction. This advanced technology aids in targeted and efficient unclogging.

Use of Hydro Jetting for Pressure cleaning:

Hydro-jetting is a modern way to clean drains using super-strong water blasts. It’s like a powerful hose attached to a special nozzle. This nozzle pumps water really hard, up to 35,000 pounds per square inch (PSI). When pushed into a drain, the water’s high pressure blows away anything blocking the pipe. It clears out everything from food bits to hair, grease, and even mineral deposits. This plumbing method is very helpful for long pipes because it can reach far and clean thoroughly.

Hire a Professional Drain Cleaner:

When DIY methods prove ineffective or if there is a recurrent blockage issue, it is advisable to seek help from local plumbers. They possess the expertise and equipment to address complex drain problems.


Homeowners can actively maintain a smoothly functioning drainage system by utilizing natural home remedies and cost-effective solutions. This not only prevents inconvenient clogs but also promotes a healthier and more comfortable living environment. Regular drain maintenance is also suggested by hiring a professional local plumber near you to avoid any severe drainage problems. 


  • What is the best method to unclog a drain in the UK?

There are many popular methods to unblock a drain such as using baking soda, plunger, or other drain cleaning tools. For severe blockage, hiring a local drain cleaner is recommended. 

  • What is the cheapest way to unclog a drain?

The most affordable method to clear the clogged drain is using salt and baking soda mixed with vinegar. This home remedy acts as an anti-bacterial as well to prevent bad odor and other harmful effects of a blocked drainage system.