MEAN Stack 2024: Unveiling Trends – What’s the Impact on Development?

28th May 2024

Web development is a field that is constantly evolving, thus, it is imperative to follow the newest tools and trends. The MEAN stack is one of the many types of technology stacks that have been in the spotlight for a long time.

The MEAN stack is composed of MongoDB, Express, and Node.js. js, Angular, and Node. js. In this article let’s understand the MEAN stack evolution, trends, and their impact on development.

Evolution of the MEAN Stack:

The MEAN stack was created and since then it has gone through a lot of changes. All the parts are always being improved to meet the demands of today’s web development. MongoDB, a NoSQL database, gives you the freedom and scalability, and Express. Js’s easy web application framework simplifies the process of server-side development.

In this dynamic environment, firms looking to harness the power of MEAN stack and stay ahead of the competition must hire MEAN stack developers with the skills and expertise to leverage these trends. Angular is a front-end framework owned by Google that helps to create dynamic single-page applications (SPAs) with ease. Node. js runs JavaScript on the server and the whole stack can work together without any problems.

Trends Shaping MEAN Stack Development in 2024:

1. Microservices Architecture:

The usage of the microservices architecture is increasing as a way to make apps that can be easily scaled up and kept up to date. Increasingly, the developers of the MEAN stack are using microservices to divide the large apps into smaller, deployable services that can work on their own.

This trend results in things that are more adaptable, scalable, and resilient because each microservice can be built, deployed, and scaled on its own. This leads to the development processes to be more flexible and efficient.

2. Serverless Computing:

Serverless computing has altered the face of cloud computing by allowing developers to create code without having to deal with the infrastructure. For MEAN stack developers, it is pretty easy to build and launch server-side logic with serverless platforms like AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions. Through the use of serverless architectures, developers can reduce operational costs, utilize the resources better, and save money, hence, all of which speed up the development process.

3. Progressive Web Applications (PWAs):

Progressive online Applications (PWAs) are getting more and more popular because they have the best of both online and mobile apps. Through the assistance of Angular, MEAN stack developers are creating PWAs that are like native apps on different devices and platforms.

According to a current analysis by Emergent Research, the global market is projected to reach a value of $10.44 billion by 2027. PWAs that are built on the MEAN stack are altering the way the present web development is being done and what the users expect from it. They are equipped with features such as the ability to work offline, push notifications, and smooth performance.

4. DevOps and CI/CD:

CI/CD pipelines and DevOps techniques have become a vital component of the software development lifecycle. The MEAN stack development teams are using the DevOps concepts to fasten the delivery of high-quality software, to automate processes, and also to make collaboration easier.

Developers can create CI/CD pipelines with tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, or GitHub Actions to make sure that MEAN stack apps are deployed smoothly and quickly. Thus, productivity is boosted and the time-to-market is reduced.

5. Enhanced Security Measures:

Security is yet a significant issue for MEAN stack workers, even though cyber threats are on the rise. By 2024, the installation of stronger security measures to protect the apps from attacks and security holes will be more and more important.

Every level of the MEAN stack design has developers who are implementing security best practices like encryption, authentication, and authorization. The utilization of libraries, frameworks, and tools that are based on security also helps to reduce the risks and ensure that the defenses are strong enough to tackle new threats.

6. Integration of Blockchain Technology:

Blockchain technology is reshaping many fields by offering open, unchangeable, and decentralized ways to deal with data and ensure that the transactions are safe. By 2024, MEAN stack developers are gradually incorporating blockchain technology into their apps to make them safer, more trustworthy, and more reliable.

Developers can incorporate smart contracts, decentralized identity management, and audit records that can’t be changed into MEAN stack apps by using blockchain networks like Ethereum or Hyperledger Fabric. This integration provides users with more control over their data, makes peer-to-peer transfers simpler, and thus makes the digital world a safer and more welcoming place for all.

Blockchain technology is forecast to increase to nearly 1,000 trillion U.S. dollars by 2032. As blockchain technology grows and gains more followers, its easy incorporation with the MEAN stack creates new methods for people to work together, create new ideas, and make money in the digital market.

Impact on Development Practices:

The rise of these trends in the MEAN stack environment has huge effects on how development is done:

1. Increased Efficiency and Agility:

Microservice developers can make the speed, flexibility, and teamwork of the development process better by using microservices, serverless computing, and DevOps. Teams can easily modify, start, and finish the project without any difficulties, and respond quickly to the changing needs, thus shortening the time-to-market and enhancing the project results in general.

2. Better Experience for Users:

Through PWAs, MEAN stack developers can give users experiences that are immersive, fast, and filled with features on all devices and platforms. Developers can create eye-catching user interfaces, boost performance, and ensure a smooth and uniform experience by utilizing Angular’s building progressive web app features. This guarantees the users to be happy and to continue using the app.

3. Robust Security Measure:

More security measures are added to the MEAN stack design to help developers in the protection of the apps from possible threats and holes. By placing security at the forefront from the beginning and adhering to the best practices, the development teams can cut down on the risks, shield the sensitive data, and earn the trust of the users. Thus, it guarantees that MEAN stack apps will be successful and handy in the long run.

In conclusion:

In 2024, the web development field is very fluid, and the MEAN stack is still changing to cope with the new technologies and trends. The MEAN stack environment comprises PWAs, serverless computing, microservices, and better security measures. It is a solid foundation for making modern, scalable, and safe web applications.