MakeItWorkShop are making it happen this year

6th January 2017

MakeItWorkShop are making it happen this year

What a wonderful start to 2017 Set The Scene and MakeItWorkShop CIC is having.

The wonderful Clapperboard Uk and staff from the Carers Centre visited Set The Scene today.

Clapperboard Uk is an innovative, charitable, non-profit organisation and film production agency based in Liverpool.  In its 9th year it delivers highly successful film making projects.

Together they are creating a short film piece about the 1986 F.A Cup Final between Everton and Liverpool and they are using props from Set The Scene and MakeItWorkShop CIC.

How exciting that our wonderful pieces of furniture and retro memorabilia are being used in such an exciting project.

MakeItWorkShop are based at Cambridge Walks, Cambridge Arcade, Southport, PR8 1EN.

A part of MakeItWorkShop CIC a community enterprise based at the heart of Southport.

Telephone: 01704 535123



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