Lithuanian Citizenship: A Compelling Option for UK-Based Descendants Post-Brexit

16th February 2024

In the wake of Brexit, there has been a notable surge in interest among UK-based descendants of Lithuanians towards obtaining Lithuanian citizenship. This heightened interest stems from the significant changes brought about by Brexit, particularly the loss of EU citizenship rights for UK nationals. As a result, many descendants of Lithuanians in the UK are exploring the option of reclaiming their ancestral citizenship as a means of maintaining ties to the European Union and accessing its associated benefits.

Following Lithuania’s independence from the Soviet Union in 1990, the nation faced economic challenges. In pursuit of better opportunities, many Lithuanians migrated to Europe, including the UK, seeking employment and stability for their families. Consequently, a significant Lithuanian diaspora emerged in Great Britain, with many acquiring British citizenship. However, while some have the option to restore Lithuanian citizenship alongside their British nationality, others face barriers. Notably, a dual citizenship referendum slated for spring 2024 may impact eligibility. Understanding the criteria for dual citizenship is crucial for those with the opportunity.


Previous Interest Levels

Before Brexit, the level of interest in obtaining Lithuanian citizenship among UK-based descendants was relatively low. This was largely because EU membership afforded Britons significant rights to reside and work throughout the European continent. With the freedom of movement guaranteed by EU membership, many UK citizens did not feel an immediate need to consider dual citizenship options, including Lithuanian citizenship.


Brexit’s Unforeseen Consequences

With Brexit’s culmination, UK citizens lost their automatic EU citizenship. This unexpected consequence has prompted a reassessment among the Lithuanian diaspora in the UK, leading to increased inquiries about reclaiming Lithuanian citizenship. The desire to regain EU affiliations has become a significant driving force behind this surge in interest.


Brexit’s Impact on UK Citizens

Brexit brought a seismic shift for UK citizens, altering their relationship with the European Union. Those with ties to EU member states faced unanticipated challenges, including losing certain rights and privileges.

One of the prominent consequences was the loss of EU citizenship rights for UK nationals. Previously, as EU citizens, they enjoyed freedom of movement, residence, and employment across member states. Post-Brexit, these privileges evaporated.


Advantages of Lithuanian Citizenship

  • Regaining EU Access. Lithuanian citizenship has gained appeal as it offers a pathway for UK-based individuals to reclaim EU affiliations. This is particularly attractive for those who value the ease of movement and opportunities associated with EU membership.
  • Freedom of Movement. Lithuanian citizenship opens doors to unrestricted travel and residency within the European Union for UK-based descendants. This facilitates easier access to employment opportunities, educational pursuits, and cultural experiences across the continent.
  • Dual Citizenship Benefits. Obtaining Lithuanian citizenship allows UK nationals to enjoy the benefits of dual citizenship. This includes access to Lithuania’s and EU’s healthcare, education, and other social services, providing security and convenience.


The Potential Impact of the 2024 Referendum on Dual Citizenship

A referendum scheduled for May 2024 will address the issue of dual citizenship, offering hope to many individuals seeking to retain their Lithuanian citizenship while acquiring citizenship in their country of residence.

It’s worth noting that previous attempts to hold such a referendum have been unsuccessful due to insufficient votes. The outcome of the 2024 referendum will depend on the active participation of Lithuanian citizens both within the country and abroad.

The referendum aims to address the current restrictions faced by Lithuanians living abroad, who must renounce their Lithuanian citizenship when acquiring citizenship in their country of residence. If successful, the referendum would enable legislative changes to the Constitution, allowing many Lithuanian emigrants to maintain their ties to their homeland without sacrificing their Lithuanian citizenship in their new country.


Assessing Your Eligibility for Dual Lithuanian Citizenship

To obtain Lithuanian citizenship, UK-based descendants must meet the eligibility criteria Lithuanian law outlines.

You are eligible for Lithuanian citizenship if either of your parents or great-grandparents held Lithuanian citizenship between 1918 and 1940 and left Lithuania before 1990.

Therefore, if your ancestors, up to the third generation, possessed Lithuanian citizenship between 1918 and 1940 and migrated to the UK (or any other country except the USSR), you are now eligible to acquire dual Lithuanian citizenship while retaining your current nationality.

Navigating the process of acquiring Lithuanian citizenship involves numerous nuances, making it essential to assemble the required documentation accurately. Seeking assistance from lawyers specializing in Lithuanian citizenship, such as those at De Civitate Group (based in Vilnius, Lithuania), restoration is advisable for a smooth and successful application process.

In conclusion, the allure of Lithuanian citizenship for UK-based descendants has markedly increased in the wake of Brexit. The loss of EU citizenship rights for UK nationals has prompted many to reconsider their options, with a growing number recognizing the advantages of reclaiming Lithuanian citizenship. As the UK undergoes significant changes post-Brexit, obtaining Lithuanian citizenship offers a pathway to retain ties with the EU and access its benefits. Eligible individuals are encouraged to explore this option and consider the long-term advantages it may provide in navigating the evolving landscape of a post-Brexit world.