How To Increase Your E-commerce Sales

20th December 2018

Every ecommerce business wants to increase sales so that they can boost profits and grow the operation, but this is much easier said than done. Fortunately, there are a few excellent strategies for increasing sales which can work no matter how popular your store is or the type of products that you sell. Therefore, you could use a few of these techniques for a powerful impact on your sales and overall success. So, if you are looking to increase your ecommerce sales but you are not quite sure how, then read on for a few proven techniques and strategies that will help.


Use Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing involves finding an influential person on social media and approaching them to recommend your products to their fanbase. This can be incredibly effective because in today’s day and age as social media is a gigantic platform with many people following influential people for lifestyle tips. Thiswill put your product in front of a massive audience while getting a recommendation from a trusted person separate from the company. Similarly, including customer reviews on your website is effective in showing that your products are satisfactory.


Sell Trending Products

Another effective strategy is to add to your product range something that is currently trending. You could look to sell socks online as this is a product that is surging in popularity and it is expected that this industry will eclipse $11 billion by 2023. Additionally, this is a product which everyone uses so it can help you to attract a much wider range of customers to your store.


Form A Strategic Alliance

Striking up a strategic alliance can help you to tap into a new market by getting recommendations from a business that is in a similar area to you but not a direct competitor. Carrying on from the example above, if you sold socks online then you could look to start a strategic alliance with a shoe company where you both recommend each other’s products and provide referral bonuses and links.


Reduce Shipping Costs

Do you experience regular cart abandonment? There is nothing more frustrating than this in the ecommercegame, but it is something that you can usually avoid by reducing your shipping costs. This is the main reason that people abandon their carts so consider dropping your shipping costs or even offering free delivery if you can – offering something like free delivery when you spend over a certain amount if a terrific way to increase your sales.


Increase Brand Awareness

Finally, you should look to increase brand awareness – the more people are aware of the store, the more likely you are to make a sale. There are many effective methods for increasing brand awareness, including using social media, running promotions, promotional materials, search engine optimisation, customer referral schemes, etc.


These are all highly effective methods for increasing ecommerce sales, and when used in combination, they could transform your business. Many ecommerce stores find it challenging to grow the business and increase sales, but with a little bit of hard work, you can start attracting more visitors to your store and converting these into customers.