How to Handle a Painful Period

22nd August 2022

It has to be said that even though products for women to manage their period, tummy pain and back aches are now much more readily available than years gone by and it is now possible to be active all through the month, periods aren’t exactly easy.

Depending on your individual situation and personal circumstance, there may well come a time in the future when for one reason another you need to delay your period or else are suffering with a severely painful period.

Continue reading to learn how to handle a painful period for both the short and long-term.


Consume Anti-Inflammatory Foods

As you will be all-too aware, during the time of your period, your stomach and area around your womb tends to swell, causing extra pain and a general bloating.

One way to counteract this swelling and subsequently reduce your pain levels is to eat more foods which are rich in anti-inflammatory properties. Such foods include tomatoes, pineapple, green vegetables, salmon, walnuts, red berries, mackerel and ginger, garlic and turmeric.


Period Delay Tablets

If it seems that, every single month, you are experiencing intense cramping, back ache and generally feel as if your period is stopping you carrying out your daily responsibilities and even experiencing pleasure at all, then there is another option.

Investing in reputable period delay tablets, from a renowned and established online supplier such as Chemist Click, can truly make a huge difference to your levels of emotional health and wellbeing during your menstruation period, not to mention reduce pain.


Minimize Caffeine Intake

Essentially, although several cups of coffee each and every day can be more of an addiction than simply a habit, drinking substances which are high in caffeine results in a narrowing of your blood vessels.

Obviously, during your period, this narrowing of your blood vessels can make period cramps substantially more painful and can even start to constrict your uterus itself. Instead of caffeine being the thing you turn to when you need a boost in energy, instead look to nuts or other healthier snacks which are high in protein.


Keep Your Stress Levels Low

Naturally, being told to reduce your feelings of stress is far easier to hear than to actually do, but it is absolutely correct to state that the more stressed you are, in both a physical and emotional sense, the more likely you will experience pain during your period.

Thankfully, there are some simple exercises you can introduce into your routine which will serve to bring your levels of stress down, from beginner’s meditation techniques and yoga to booking yourself in for massage therapy in and around the stomach area.


Drink More Water

Finally, this last suggestion is one which always seems to be the answer for anything.

However, it is entirely accurate to say that the more water you consume each and every day, but particularly when you are on your period, will help to reduce the aforementioned bloating and reduce the overall level of pain and discomfort.