How to Get Up to £66,000 a Year in ADHD Funding with Access to Work

14th December 2023

Living with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) comes with unique challenges, and one of the most important is professional settings. However, the good news is that resources are available to support adults in the workplace, and the Access to Work ADHD grant is one such program offering substantial financial assistance. In this blog, you will learn the detailed guide outlining the steps and eligibility criteria to secure up to £66,000 a year in funding.

Understanding Access to Work

Access to Work is a government initiative in the UK aimed at supporting adults with disabilities or health conditions in the workplace. It provides personalised support and funding to cover extra job-related costs that may arise due to ADHD. This can include specialised equipment, travel expenses, mental health support, and more. Access to Work can help tailor, optimise, and enhance the work environment to fit unique ADHD needs.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for Access to Work ADHD, you must:

  • Have a Job or Be Starting Work: You must be employed, self-employed, or about to start a job. Access to Work doesn’t only cater to full-time employment; it also supports part-time roles and apprenticeships.
  • Have a Disability or Health Condition Affecting Work: ADHD falls under this category. You must provide medical evidence confirming your diagnosis and how it impacts your work.
  • Be Over 16 Years Old: Access to Work is available for individuals aged 16 or over who live in England, Scotland, or Wales.

Practical Access to Work ADHD Equipment & Examples

Access to Work provides a wide array of support and accommodations for individuals with ADHD in the workplace. Here’s a detailed list of practical equipment and examples that can significantly aid in managing ADHD symptoms and enhancing productivity:

Technology Aids:

  • Laptop: Mobility can be crucial. A computer allows flexibility in work environments.
  • Noise-cancelling headphones: Great for minimising distractions in a bustling workplace.
  • White or brown noise machines: Helpful for creating a consistent, focused environment.
  • Standing desk and under-desk treadmill: Alternate between sitting and standing to maintain focus and energy levels.
  • Exercise ball and fidget tools: Helps channel excess energy and improve focus.
  • Wobble board: Aids in fidgeting while standing or sitting.
  • Accountability partner app: Offers support and structure in staying on task.

Support and Services:

  • ADHD coaching: Provides strategies and support tailored to managing ADHD symptoms at work.
  • Therapy (e.g., CBT): Offers coping mechanisms and strategies to manage ADHD-related challenges.
  • Support workers and training/mentoring: Additional guidance and assistance navigating workplace challenges.
  • Access to coworking spaces and virtual assistants: Provides alternative work environments and additional support.

Workplace Environment:

  • Artificial sun alarm clock: Helps maintain a consistent sleep schedule and regulates mood.
  • Ergonomic chair, multiple screens, large desk: Ensures a comfortable and conducive work setup.

Applying for Support

Contact Access to Work: The main way is to apply online and fill out an online form. Alternatively, applicants can apply by phone.  The application can take no longer than 20 minutes if you know what you need.

Assessment: After you apply for Access to Work, a case manager will contact you to discuss what help you could get. You may need an assessment of your workplace to assess your needs.

If you know what support you need, you do not need to have an assessment. An Access to Work case manager will discuss the award with you and develop a tailored support package.

If you need to have an assessment, it will be done by telephone, an online video call or in person within the workplace.

Financial Assessment: Based on your needs, the adviser will determine the support you require and the funding you’re eligible for. The maximum funding limit is £66,000 a year.

Implementing Support: Once approved, the support might include various forms such as assistive technology, coaching or mentoring, transportation, or adaptations to your workplace. It could take several months for the funds to be released.

Applicants should not purchase support or equipment before grant approval as it will not be covered.

Tips for a Successful Application

  • Provide Comprehensive Information: Be detailed about how ADHD affects your work. Explain specific challenges you face and how the requested support would alleviate them. Link the support and products you need with the ADHD struggles you experience.
  • Medical Evidence: Medical evidence confirming your ADHD diagnosis is not required but is helpful and can speed up your application.
  • Communicate Your Needs Clearly: During assessments, express your needs clearly. Clarity is critical, whether specialised equipment, coaching, or other accommodations. Having a good idea of what support or products you need before your assessment is incredibly helpful.

Additional Support Resources

  • Employer Support: If you are employed, you must disclose your ADHD to your employer. Employers can also provide additional support or accommodations. Discussing your needs with your employer can complement the support provided by Access to Work.
  • Support Groups: There are various support groups and communities for people with ADHD. Connecting with these groups might offer valuable insights and advice.

Final Thoughts

Access to Work is a valuable resource for adults with ADHD, offering substantial financial aid and tailored support to thrive in the workplace. By understanding the eligibility criteria, submitting a comprehensive application, and clearly articulating your needs, you can access the support necessary to excel in your professional endeavours despite the challenges posed by ADHD.

Remember, the process and support granted might differ based on individual circumstances, and seeking guidance from Access to Work will provide the most accurate and personalised information for your situation.