Exploring the Rainbow of Fruits in Costa Rica

11th April 2024

Costa Rica is a paradise teeming with biodiversity and is renowned for its lush landscapes, vibrant wildlife, and astonishing variety of fruits. The country’s fertile volcanic soil and microclimates across its diverse regions cultivate a veritable rainbow of exotic and unique fruits to the international palate.

This exploration into Costa Rica’s fruits invites you to taste, smell, and revel in the country’s rich agricultural bounty, a true testament to the phrase “pura vida.”


A Taste of Costa Rica’s Fruit Bounty


Mangoes: A Tropical Staple

Mangoes in Costa Rica range from sweet and juicy to tart and tangy, depending on the variety. These sun-kissed treats can be found nearly everywhere and are enjoyed fresh, in smoothies, or as part of savory dishes. The mango season, peaking from March to June, offers a perfect opportunity to indulge in this tropical favorite.

Pineapples: Sweetness Perfected

Costa Rica is among the largest exporters of pineapples, known locally as “piñas.” The Costa Rican pineapples are celebrated for their exceptional sweetness and juicy flesh, making them a must-try for anyone visiting. Pineapple plantations dot the landscape, and tours are available for those interested in seeing the cultivation process firsthand.

Cas: The Tart Treasure

The cas fruit, often overlooked by tourists, is a local favorite for its unique tart flavor. It resembles green guava and is commonly used to make “fresco de cas,” a refreshing drink that balances its sourness with just the right sweetness. This beverage is a delightful way to cool off and experience a taste unique to Costa Rica.

Guanábana: A Creamy Delight

Also known as soursop, guanábana is a large, spiky fruit with a soft, creamy interior combining strawberry, pineapple, and citrus flavors. It’s popularly used in smoothies, desserts, and ice creams. Rich in nutrients, guanábana is delicious and heralded for its health benefits.

Pejibayes: The Unusual Snack

Pejibayes, harvested from a palm tree, is a peculiar yet beloved fruit in Costa Rica. Boiled and served with a dollop of mayonnaise or sour cream, they offer a unique taste experience akin to a blend of pumpkin and chestnut. Pejibaye festivals celebrate this versatile fruit, showcasing its significance in Costa Rican cuisine.


Pitahaya: The Vibrant Dragon Fruit

Pitahaya, or dragon fruit, stands out with its striking pink skin and speckled flesh, offering a mild but sweet flavor that is a treat for both the eyes and the palate. Commonly consumed fresh, its refreshing taste is perfect for the humid climate of Costa Rica. Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, pitahaya is a visually captivating fruit and a powerhouse of nutrition.

Mamon Chino: The Exotic Rambutan

Mamon chino, known elsewhere as rambutan, is an exotic fruit easily identified by its hairy exterior. Peeling back the outer layer reveals a translucent, sweet, juicy flesh slightly tart, like a grape, but with a unique texture. This fruit is often fresh, with locals and visitors savoring its distinctive taste and succulent consistency.

Tamarindo: The Tangy Flavor Burst

Tamarindo, or tamarind, is celebrated for its tangy and somewhat sweet flavor, integral to many Costa Rican dishes and drinks. The pulp from the tamarind pod is used to make refreshing beverages, sauces, and even sweets, contributing a burst of flavor that enhances the overall taste profile of many local cuisines. Tamarindo’s versatility and vibrant taste make it a staple in the Costa Rican diet and a must-try for those looking to explore the country’s culinary diversity.

Carambola: The Star of the Show

Known internationally as starfruit, carambola is both beautiful and flavorful. Its crisp, juicy flesh with a slightly tart flavor makes it a refreshing snack or a striking addition to salads and drinks. Viewing the fruit sliced open to reveal its star shape is a visual and culinary delight.

Exploring Local Markets

For those eager to dive deeper into the world of Costa Rican fruits visiting local farmers’ markets, such as the Feria Verde in San José, offers an immersive experience. These markets provide access to the freshest fruits and connect visitors with local growers, offering insights into the cultivation and uses of these tropical treasures.



Exploring the rainbow of fruits in Costa Rica is an adventure, offering a palate-pleasing journey through the country’s agricultural richness. Each fruit’s distinct flavors and textures tell a story of Costa Rica’s natural abundance and culinary heritage. After days spent indulging in the country’s fruity bounty, retreating to a luxury Costa Rica villa provides the perfect setting to rejuvenate, relax, and savor the sweet memories of your tropical escapade. Whether enjoyed from the comfort of your villa’s terrace or as part of a beach picnic, Costa Rica’s fruits add flavor and joy to your travel experience, embodying the essence of pura vida.