Exercises To Do At Your Desk This Year

3rd November 2023

In today’s fast-paced work environment, finding time for a good workout can often fall by the wayside. However, incorporating exercise into your daily routine is crucial for maintaining both physical and mental well-being. Fortunately, there are innovative solutions to this dilemma. One such solution is desk exercises which can be performed right at your workspace.

This article explores a variety of exercises that can be effortlessly integrated into your busy schedule, ensuring you remain active and energised throughout the year, without stepping away from your desk.


Desk Push Ups

Desk push-ups are a convenient and effective way to engage your upper body without needing a gym. This exercise entails positioning your hands on the edge of a sturdy desk, stepping back to extend your body, and then lowering your chest towards the desk before pushing back up to the starting position. The movement targets your chest, shoulders, and triceps, promoting muscle endurance and strength.

Additionally, desk push-ups encourage better posture by strengthening the core and upper back muscles, which is beneficial for individuals who spend long hours seated. The simplicity and accessibility of desk push-ups make them a valuable inclusion in your daily routine, fostering physical health amidst an extensive business schedule.


Exercise Desks

Exercise desks, including bike desks and standing desks, are revolutionary solutions that marry the domains of work and fitness. A bike desk incorporates a stationary bicycle with a desk surface, enabling individuals to pedal while attending to their tasks.

On the other hand, standing desks encourage users to remain upright, promoting better posture and reducing the risks associated with prolonged sitting. These innovative desks, available from Yo-Yo Desk, support an active work environment, facilitating calorie burn, enhancing cardiovascular health, and boosting overall energy levels.


Seated Flutter Kicks

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Seated flutter kicks are an unobtrusive yet effective exercise you can perform right at your desk,                                                targeting the lower abdominal muscles and hip flexors. As you sit on your chair, ensure your back is straight, grip the edges of your seat for support, extend your legs out front, and commence a fluttering up-and-down motion.

This exercise helps in toning the lower abdomen, improving core strength, and promoting better posture—a boon for individuals bound to their desks for extended periods. Besides, the rhythmic movement can enhance blood circulation in the lower body, which is often compromised in a seated position. Seated flutter kicks are a simple way to inject a dose of physical activity into your day, especially beneficial in a sedentary work environment.


Desk Plank

The desk plank is a simple yet effective exercise that can be seamlessly integrated into your work routine. To perform this, stand facing your desk, place your elbows and forearms on the edge, and then step back until your body forms a straight line from head to heels. Hold this position as long as you comfortably can.

This exercise targets your core muscles, which are essential for maintaining a good posture and reducing the risk of back pain, both common issues among those with desk jobs. Moreover, it strengthens the shoulders and arms. The ease of transitioning from working to planking without needing any additional equipment or space makes the Desk Plank a practical choice for fostering physical wellness amidst a busy workday.


Wrist Flexes

Wrist flexes are a simple yet effective exercise to maintain wrist and forearm health, which is crucial for individuals who spend a significant amount of time typing or handling a mouse.

To perform wrist flexes, extend your arm out with the palm facing down, then gently apply pressure with your other hand to the back of your hand, flexing the wrist gently. Hold for a few seconds, then release and repeat on the other side. This exercise promotes flexibility and can help prevent stiffness and discomfort often associated with repetitive motions.

Additionally, it can aid in preventing conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. Wrist flexes are easy to perform right at your desk, making them a convenient choice for incorporating some movement and care into your daily routine, especially amidst the demands of a desk-bound work environment.