Comfort Height Toilets: The Royal Throne of Bathroom Humour

21st May 2023

Hello there, my fellow comfort height toilet loving friends. Are you ready for an exciting journey exploring this amazing world? A domain where style, function, and bathroom jokes unite in a beautiful harmony, and if so, grab your plungers and TP, and let’s take a deep dive into a world of such toilets and education.

The Porcelain Pedestal: What is a Comfort Height Toilet?

Imagine a toilet that caters to your every need, providing the perfect sitting experience for all your bathroom escapades. Enter the comfort height toilet! Standing taller than your average toilet, these majestic thrones typically measure between 17 and 19 inches from floor to seat, making them the ideal choice for those who crave a little extra legroom.

But what makes these toilets truly unique? Let’s explore the ups and downs (pun intended) of using a comfort height toilet versus a standard-sized one.

Pros and (Water) Cons: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Comfort Height Toilets


Knee-pitome of Comfort: With their elevated design, comfort height toilets provide added support for your knees and back, making them a dream come true for people with mobility issues or those who simply prefer a higher perch.

Universal Design Delight: These toilets cater to a wide range of users, including taller individuals, seniors, and people with disabilities. It’s like the Swiss Army Knife of bathroom fixtures!

A Majestic Appearance: Comfort height toilets often boast sleek, modern designs that can elevate the overall aesthetic of your bathroom. Who wouldn’t want their throne to be as stylish as it is functional?


Not One-Size-Fits-All: While comfort height toilets are ideal for many users, they may not be suitable for everyone. Children and shorter individuals might find the higher seat less comfortable or even challenging to use.

A Royal Price Tag: These toilets can sometimes come with a heftier price tag compared to their standard-sized counterparts. But hey, you can’t put a price on comfort, right?

Choosing Your Throne: How to Select the Best Comfort Height Toilet

Ready to upgrade your bathroom kingdom with a comfort height toilet? Consider these factors when selecting the perfect porcelain pedestal:

Measure Twice, Install Once: Before purchasing your toilet, measure your bathroom space to ensure it can accommodate the new fixture. Remember, a comfortable toilet experience starts with a proper fit!

Style and Substance: From sleek, modern designs to classic, traditional looks, comfort height toilets come in a range of styles. Choose one that complements your bathroom décor and caters to your personal taste.

Flushing Finesse: Opt for a toilet with a powerful, efficient flush to avoid any ahem royal mishaps. Bonus points if it’s water-saving, too!

Installation Intricacies: Tips for a Smooth Toilet Transition

Once you’ve chosen your dream toilet, keep these pointers in mind during the installation process:

Call in the Cavalry: If you’re not comfortable with DIY plumbing projects, enlist the help of a professional plumber to ensure a seamless installation.

Seal the Deal: Don’t forget to replace the wax ring during installation to avoid any leaks or unpleasant odours.

Give It a Test Run: After installation, be sure to test your new toilet for any issues before celebrating your bathroom victory.

FAQ Flushdown: Answering Your Burning Comfort Height Toilet Questions

Let’s tackle some frequently asked questions about comfort height toilets:

Q: Can I use a bidet with a comfort height toilet?

A: Absolutely! Just make sure to choose a compatible bidet attachment or seat that works with your toilet’s dimensions.

Q: Are comfort height toilets more difficult to clean?

A: Not at all! Cleaning a comfort height toilet is just as easy as cleaning a standard-sized one. The only difference is you might need a slightly longer toilet brush to reach the far corners of your royal domain.

Q: What is the ideal comfort height toilet for my needs?

A: The perfect toilet depends on your preferences, physical needs, and bathroom space. Consider factors such as height, design, flushing efficiency, and price when making your decision.

A Royal Conclusion: Embrace the Comfort Height Toilet Experience

In summary, my dear bathroom jesters, comfort height toilets are a worthy investment for those seeking a safer, more comfortable, and stylish bathroom experience. With their myriad of benefits and versatile designs, these porcelain thrones are truly fit for royalty!

So, go forth and spread the word about the comfort height toilet revolution! Share your newfound knowledge with friends, family, and even that chatty neighbour who never seems to run out of things to say. Together, we can create a world where bathroom comfort is no laughing matter – well, except for this blog post, of course. Happy flushing!