CBD Legalisation: Will It Be a Game Changer For UK Consumers?

9th December 2021

The UK’s cannabis industry has been growing steadily over the past few years, with many businesses now selling products and services to consumers. Cannabis has been around for thousands of years, but now the UK has made it legal for anyone over 18 to consume the drug. So what can consumers expect from this?

In November 2018, the UK’s first legal cannabis-based CBD products hit the shelves. Cannabidiol (CBD) has been on the list of substances that one can legally consume, and it appears that this has finally come to fruition. This compound comes from the marijuana plant and has several different health benefits.

There is a lot of discussion around the legalisation of cannabis in the UK. Here are some points to consider as we await the government’s announcement.

What Happens if Cannabis is Legalised Completely?

The fact that cannabis is now legal in the UK means that people can legally consume cannabis products. The exact laws will vary from country to country, but the UK’s new legislation means that any adult over 18 years of age can buy, use and possess cannabis products. The same rules apply to the products that contain CBD, but this does not mean that they are the same as THC-containing cannabis products. Adults can only buy the latter over 18 who are registered with the National Health Service. The government developed the current laws due to concerns over drug misuse and organised crime.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of many cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant and is responsible for giving the plant its characteristic properties. It has also been found to have a host of other benefits that have been proven over time, including being able to help treat epilepsy and many other conditions. CBD is also a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, meaning that it does not cause the mind to be stimulated like THC.

As I have said, there are other cannabinoids such as THC and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which give the plant its psychoactive effects. However, THC can cause users to feel high or impaired and affect how the brain functions. Other compounds in the plant give off different odours, tastes, and textures, including terpenes. There are more than 80 known types of these; an individual use them to enhance the flavour of cannabis products.

CBD oil is made from pure CBD compounds extracted from the cannabis plant. This may surprise some people because CBD is not found in the plant, but it is a compound that can be derived from it. The oil is then produced using various extraction processes, such as CO 2 extraction or supercritical fluid extraction. This means that the CBD oil is isolated and ready to use.

Will Cannabis Products Contain THC?

Although CBD is legal in the UK, THC remains an illegal substance. Even though the law has changed, the government has stated that it will still take action if cannabis products contain THC. These will be treated as illegal drugs and could face the same penalties as those who smoke cigarettes. However, they are not prohibited for adults over 18 to buy and possess, so long as they have a prescription for cannabis.

Can CBD be Addictive?

In this situation, we need to think about addiction.  Addiction is a complex condition that involves multiple factors, but one of the main ones is that people become dependent on something to get their needs met. This means that when they stop using it, they suffer withdrawal symptoms and will go to great lengths to try and get it back. This means that they may find themselves becoming addicted to it.  How we define addiction varies from person to person. Some people will argue that a habit becomes an addiction if it causes harm or distress to others or damages the person’s physical or mental health. However, most experts agree that addiction is an unhealthy form of behaviour and should be avoided.

Will a Legalisation of CBD Create a “Cannabis Culture”?

Besides that, CBD has many benefits; it can also cause some people to become addicted. If the plant is legal, more people than ever before would be interested in trying out the product. This could mean more people using cannabis for recreational purposes, and it could also lead to many people being given prescriptions for it.

Are There Any Side Effects Associated With Using CBD?

There are no known side effects associated with CBD oil or any other form of cannabis. However, if you have a history of using cannabis products that contain THC, it can affect your heart and lungs. The UK government states that there are no known risks associated with using CBD. This is important because some people can suffer from mental health conditions, such as schizophrenia. CBD is also believed to be safe for the elderly and pregnant women.

Where Can I Buy CBD Oil in the UK?

For the same reason that cannabis oil is becoming more popular, CBD oil is becoming more affordable. It can be bought in shops, online, through dispensaries and via mail order. There are now several different companies selling CBD oil, including CannaVest, Greenbush and CBD Pure, to name just a few. You can also find CBD oils for sale at specialist stores like newphaseblends and e-commerce websites.

Cannabis oils are not legal in the UK at the moment, but there are plenty of ways to get them into the country. We can import cannabis oil from various places, including the USA, Canada and many European countries. We are also able to import hemp oil. Hemp is not illegal, but it will have to be imported from certain countries, which is why we can import it from the US. Hemp contains very low levels of THC, and it is used for many different things, including clothing, building materials and fuel.


In conclusion, CBD oil is a powerful supplement with many potential benefits. The health problems that many people suffer from could be helped by using CBD products.  While it can still be difficult to get hold of, it is easier to purchase and use. It can help treat mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression, and it can also help with insomnia, muscle pain and chronic pain. However, if you or someone you care for has any mental health condition, it would be best to consult a doctor before trying out any CBD product. UK government will have complete legalisation of CBD in the days to come.