Can we Perform Umrah in one Day?

9th May 2024

Want to perform an Umrah comfortably and efficiently in a single day? This blog is helpful for you. Every Muslim wishes to perform their spiritual duties accurately and comfortably. Umrah can be performed in a few hours compared to Hajj, which may take a few days to complete. Umrah is an Islamic pilgrimage to Makkah and Madina, the holiest places for Muslims and Islam. Those who cannot afford Hajj but dream of visiting the sacred places can perform Umrah once in a lifetime, known as a Mini-Hajj.

Umrah is a devout journey that is performed by Muslims worldwide. The Umrah can be performed throughout the year except the Hajj days. An Umrah is a reward to Allah S.W.T. for the Muslim Ummah. However, Umrah is just 2-3 hours of exercise you can complete quickly and efficiently. UK Muslims perform Umrah rituals comfortably if you book perfect Umrah Packages. You need to know certain steps before performing and completing your Umrah rituals.


Step-by-step guidance to perform Umrah in a Day

Pilgrims plan for the Umrah journey. They must know the Umrah’s steps and how to complete the Umrah rituals accurately and without mistakes. Here are four steps to perform your Umrah ritual properly.


First step: Wearing Ihram is the first step in Umrah. Pilgrims must wear Ihram from Miqat. (Miqat is a defined boundary at which pilgrims arriving to perform Hajj or Umrah must enter the state of Ihram). Pilgrims arriving from the UK must wear the Ihram at the airport because Miqat comes in between flights, and it is impossible to wear the Ihram on a plane. Once reaching Miqat, pilgrims can do Niyat of Ihram and start saying “Talbiyah” until they reach the House of Allah S.W.T. or till the start of Tawaf.

Second step: One of the main rites of Umrah is called Tawaf, which means circulating the Kabba seven times in an “Anti-clockwise direction’. The Tawaf begins and ends at the Hajri Aswad, which means one round is completed once you return to the Hajri Aswad. It is the most essential part of the Hajj and the Umrah and neither would be whole without it. During the Tawaf, pilgrims can read any dua as per sunnah.

Third Step: In this step, pilgrims’ walk seven times between the “Safa and Marwa” This area is known as “Sai.” The first step starts from the Safa, but if the pilgrim starts from the Marwa, that step is not considered. The Quran also mentions its significance:

إِنَّ الصَّفَا وَالْمَرْوَةَ مِن شَعَائِرِ اللَّهِ ۖ فَمَنْ حَجَّ الْبَيْتَ أَوِ اعْتَمَرَ فَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِ أَن يَطَّوَّفَ بِهِمَا ۚ وَمَن تَطَوَّعَ خَيْرًا فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ شَاكِرٌ عَلِيمٌ

Verily, Al-Safa and Al-Marwah are among the symbols of Allah. So, whoever makes the Hajj to the House or performs the Umrah, there is no blame on him “Surah al-Baqarah (158)’


Fourth Step: The last step of Umrah is shaving your head, or Halaq, which is a sign that you have finished Umrah. Both men and women must do it; however, women must cut their hair equal to their fingertips. After completing this step, you are done with Umrah and can pray in your normal clothes.

Time-saving: Exploring One-Day Umrah Possibility

Time management plays a vital role in performing Umrah in a day. Starting the holy trip of Umrah is a profound and spiritual undertaking, but not having enough time can be a big problem for many people. But the fact that Umrah can be done in just one day is a bright sport for people who have only spent a few days in Makkah. By exploring this option, pilgrims can unlock a world of efficiency and proper planning that will help them make the most of every ritual and moment of thought in less time.

The time you choose to perform your Umrah also makes a lot of difference. If you are performing the Umrah during rush hours, Masjid Al-Haram is often filled, which is why it can take longer than usual to perform Umrah. If you perform the Umrah in the early hours of the day or late hours, the space surrounding the Ka’abah is less crowded, so try to perform your Umrah during those hours.

Analysing Practical objectives and obstacles

Performing Umrah in one day presents several practical challenges and considerations for pilgrims.

  1. Logistics and Planning:

Logistics, such as getting to and from Makkah and finding a place to stay near Masjid al-Haram, become critical within a limited timeframe.

  1. Health and Safety:

Crowd management and maintaining personal hygiene amidst large gatherings are additional challenges.

  1. Weather Conditions:

Due to weather conditions, particularly the heat in Makkah, UK Muslims must be careful in preparation to ensure pilgrims’ well-being.

  1. Language barrier:

A communication barrier can make it difficult for people to talk to each other, which shows how important it is to know basic Arabic phrases.

  1. Budget Planning:

Planning your finances is essential when considering the cost of visiting sacred places and other necessities.

  1. Spiritual Preparation:
  • Maintaining a spiritual mindset during the pilgrimage can be challenging.
  • Patience is essential during long waits and crowded conditions.

Despite these obstacles, pilgrims are inspired by the spiritual significance of Umrah to persevere with resolve and devotion as they navigate these pragmatic facets.

Exploiting a Spiritual experience within a limited time frame

Getting the most out of a spiritual experience in a limited time requires careful Umrah planning and focused intention. Whether it’s a shorter pilgrimage, it requires prioritising meaningful rituals and activities. This may entail devoting time to prayer, and acts of devotion.

Creating a serene, distraction-free environment can develop the experience. Additionally, seeking guidance from spiritual mentors or using resources such as holy books. Despite time limitations, embracing spiritual insights can lead to significant changes, unlocking profound transformations and deepening one’s spiritual journey.

Proper guidance and advice from Experts

For a shorter Umrah journey, seeking expert guidance and advice is essential. Experts can provide valuable insights on optimising your time. Prioritise essential rituals like Tawaf and Sai while managing your time efficiently. Pilgrims who perform Umrah in the winter season by taking the December Umrah Packages can perform rituals comfortably. From this, they can advise on choosing the right time for a more peaceful experience in the pleasant climate at the holy sites and recommend accommodations and transportation arrangements. Their expertise ensures that pilgrims can make the most of their shortened pilgrimage.


Performing Umrah in a single day presents some challenges, but it is possible with the right planning and guidance. Pilgrims want to know how to perform Umrah in a day, understanding its significance and practical steps. Umrah is shorter than hajj, allowing Muslims to perform their spiritual obligations more easily. Rituals like wearing the Ihram, Tawaf, Sai and Halaq are part of the Umrah and mark important steps in devotion. Seeking expert advice on booking the perfect Umrah packages and managing your time well. Even though some people do not have a lot of time, doing Umrah in a day is also a powerful spirituality.