A Crime Alert for the Southport residents following Christmas burglaries

5th January 2017

A Crime Alert for the residents of West Sefton and Home Watch members from Merseyside Police


During the Christmas period thefts or attempted thefts have taken place in the following locations:

AINSDALE – Leamington Road

FORMBY – Elsworth Close, Phillips Lane, Halsall Lane, Deans Court

HIGHTOWN – Windermere Road

Crime Prevention Tips

In two of the above incidents car keys and the vehicles have been stolen from the premises.

It is vital residents ensure windows, external doors including porch doors are secured and that all car keys are kept out of sight. A thief only needs a very small hole to gain access. It has been known for thieves to obtain the house and car keys because the porch doors had been left unlocked giving them easier access to the property and as a result, the owner’s vehicle was stolen.

In three incidents the houses or cars was left insecure.

UPVC doors should be secured by lifting the handle to activate the bolts and ensuring the key is fully turned, as the latch itself will not provide adequate security.

Suspicious Males

Just before Christmas in an area of Merseyside on the border with Sefton  a male was reported going door to door with a ladder. He was described as having red curly hair and wearing a high-vis jacket.

Two males were stopped nearby whilst putting ladders on a white Ford Transit. They stated they were going door to door cleaning gutters.

So far there have been no reports of anything similar happening in Sefton, however what takes place in another part of Merseyside could happen in Sefton. Please just be aware of this incident, particularly as there is a possibility they may target the elderly or vulnerable residents.

Contact numbers

Local Police Neighbourhood Teams TELEPHONE 101

Margaret Jepson Crime Alert Co-ordinator TELEPHONE 0151 777 3419

Email Margaret.Jepson@merseyside.pnn.police.uk


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