3 steps for boosting conversions with marketing analytics

26th March 2024

It can be difficult to figure out just what it is that makes a lead convert into a customer, especially if they make contact over the phone. But if you want to make sure that your marketing campaigns are performing optimally and delivering the strongest possible results, you’ll need extra insights.

This is where marketing analytics tools come in. With the power of data-driven tools, your business could see its conversions increase, in addition to your marketing return on investment (ROI).

We’ve laid out three key steps below to show exactly how the use of marketing analytics can boost your conversion rate.

  • Implement data tracking solutions

Before you can get to work on boosting your conversion rate, you need to see exactly where you currently stand. The key behind marketing analytics is having the data, so making sure that you implement proper data tracking solutions is imperative.

You may already have Google Analytics set up, which will offer a lot of valuable insights into your website traffic and other online interactions. This is only part of the total picture, however.

Solutions such as call tracking offer the perfect complement to online analytics services. Call tracking tools capture data relating to customer phone calls, showing details from call duration to the lead’s original touchpoint.

A comprehensive marketing analytics solution will integrate with other tools, combining the data from both online and offline customer activity to make sure that no potential insights are lost.

  • Analyse the customer journey

When it comes to maximising conversions it’s essential to have a full understanding of your customer journey. Being able to trace every step that a lead takes from their initial touchpoint through to their conversion is critical if you want to replicate your successes.

Many businesses miss a trick by only utilising analytics tools to track customers’ online interactions, leaving themselves in the dark in terms of offline contact. But, with a marketing analytics toolkit, you can avoid this mistake and gain a complete overview of each journey.

By assigning a unique tracking code or phone number to all of your marketing sources, social channels, email campaigns or billboard ads, these analytics tools can identify the origin of any given phone call.

This allows you to see exactly which routes are leading to the most conversions, so you can focus on the touchpoints that are having the greatest impact on customers and optimise your marketing approach.

With the help of speech analytics, you can even see what issues individuals raised in prior calls to flag potential pain points in the existing customer journey. The more actions you can take to improve the experience for leads, the better this could translate into conversions.

  • Incorporate greater personalisation

Giving prospects a personalised experience is more likely to encourage them to convert. If you tailor content and interactions to match an individual’s preferences this can help to differentiate yourself from other businesses and improve their view of you.

Marketing analytics tools are the perfect path towards greater personalisation, as they enable you to draw on past customer behaviours and preferences to inform future content. Gaining a fuller understanding of your target demographics and what encouraged previous conversions gives you the ability to better tailor the experience.

Whether it’s in customised social media ad messaging, dynamic website content or targeted email campaigns, adopting a more personalised approach to your marketing strategies could resonate better with customers.

Delivering a greater number of customer conversions is the ultimate goal of every marketing department.

With the help of these three steps, you could see your marketing efforts yielding far stronger returns than ever before.