Freezing Temperatures And Sleeping Rough In Southport

20th January 2015

Above: Homeless people in Southport this morning (January 19 2015)

Homeless people in Southport are you doing your bit to help them?

Up to one dozen people will sleep rough on the streets of Southport tonight, some are skilled, intelligent and likeable people, and many of whom want to work. Two people in the photo above slept in Shorrock Street opposite McDonalds.

Homeless people are not any different from the rest of us.

When we pass someone on the street, that person is someone no different to you or me, except they are currently in real crisis.

Homelessness begins when something bad happens and you don’t have family or friends around to help. It could happen to any of us.

With support, people can and do leave homelessness behind – however, the current financial climate means fewer specialist workers and more people sleeping rough.

Did you know that more than 70% of homeless people are being discharged from hospital back onto the streets, damaging their health and costing the NHS money.

ots-soup kitchen 1 london street onthespot news ots southport_0Above: The Southport Soup Kitchen in London Street, Southport

Above: The Southport Soup Kitchen in London Street, Southport, is popular than ever with record numbers rising month after month. The Soup Kitchen provides food and warmth to the local homeless population, the Soup Kitchen is a joint churches initiative.

The Southport Soup Kitchen is a registered charity. It was founded in 2003. Its purpose is quite simply to help the homeless and vulnerable that live in the area.

Distributing 120 meals and 70 food hampers per week. Deposits/funds for emergency accomodation are provided. Sleeping bags, blankets etc.

The hard work of all the volunteer staff at the Soup Kitchen helps to alleviate poverty and distress and to provide a better standard of living and health for the vulnerable people in our community i.e rough sleepers, alcohol and substance misusers lonely and poor of all ages.

The Soup Kitchen is open on a Saturday and Sunday from 11:30am to 2pm and is staffed and managed by volunteers. The Soup Kitchen receives no formal money and relies on donations and grant money.

The Soup Kitchen receives a lot of help from the different churches and local people around Southport.

The Soup Kitchen would like to offer more to the people of Southport but does not have the money or the permission to do so.

Contact Southport Soup Kitchen:

75 London Street, Southport, PR9 9TX


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