What Tools and Resources Aid in Exam Preparation: Useful Materials for Kids

30th July 2023

The first thing that crosses our mind when someone says the word exam is stress. It appears to be like no matter how old or young you are you feel very traumatized when you need to prepare yourself for something like this.

At the end of the day, everyone wants to give their all and get the best possible results, that’s why pressure is always present, hence you as a parent should not give the right support but also provide your kid with the proper tools.

We know that it’s not always easy to find the right ones, which is why we decided to conduct detailed research for you so we can tell you exactly what you can utilize to help your child prepare for any exam in the most effective way.


For Older Children “WritePaper” 

If your kid is a bit older (meaning that he/she goes to college) then you should definitely tell him or her more about this beneficial tool. We are not sure whether you remember what it was like when you were studying but we do remember that it seems like there was never enough time to prepare yourself for any exam.

That’s because you are forced to juggle so many different things like numerous projects, paperwork, various assignments, etc. And then you get a feeling like you’ll never complete anything, let alone pass the upcoming exam.

Fortunately, things have changed for the better since we were at college, so nowadays, you can rely on different tools that will help you during this stressful time. When we say tools, we think of WritePaper.

So what can we tell you about it? Namely, it is a spectacular academic help platform that can help students keep up with all of their tasks and obligations and simply have more time to prepare themselves for an exam.


Mock Exams Always Come In Handy

No child can ever believe that they are fully prepared for an exam if they didn’t try out a mock test. Why do they matter so much? Namely, practicing them is going to give your kid a much better perspective of everything that he/she can expect on the real exam.

Aside from that, they can also help him or her get a better score in competitive exams. If you have a younger child, then mock exams for the 11 plus are a great option because they will help your kiddo pass the exam without experiencing any issues. Generally speaking, it doesn’t matter whether you’ll opt for these or for any other type of mock exams, just keep in mind that with their assistance, your child will get familiar with the real exam scenario which is an amazing thing!


Omnipotent Internet

One of the best things that technology has given us is without a doubt, the internet. If you notice that your kid is currently struggling when it comes to the exam, then one of the best things that you can do is to make use of the online world.

Out there, you will run into a variety of different useful things that can really help your child have a positive outcome. If we were you, we would definitely take advantage of different websites, forums, blogs, YouTube videos, and many others.

These are generally amazing options because they are loaded with helpful tips and advice that can help your kid pass an exam easily. In these instances, it’s recommendable to pick trustworthy websites that are related to this topic where you can receive advice from the most skilled and trained professionals.

If by any chance, you are part of any parent forum, we would advise you to ask them for advice as well because parents are usually pretty informed when it comes to this and they would gladly share various useful tips.


Let’s Discuss MarinaraTimer 

Here’s another great tool that’s intended for older kids that are interested in using something that’s going to help them manage their time more efficiently. So what do we know about this tool?

Namely, what we uncovered is that MarinaraTimer employs the famous Pomodoro Technique that helps young people be more productive when they are preparing themselves for the upcoming exams.

If you recommend this app to your child, he/she is going to develop a much better test prep routine, which means that he or she will be capable of processing a lot more information in a relatively short period of time.

In other words, your kid will most likely organize their sessions into 25-minute work periods that come with shorter breaks that will allow them to relax and unwind for a bit. It sounds like a great deal to us!


Good Old Books

Even though some kids, and young people in general may think that books are “outdated”, if you ask us, they are still one of the best sources of information and can be of huge help in different sorts of situations, including this one.

Your child can employ them to create excellent self-study techniques that can be applied whenever they are preparing themselves for the exam. Keep in mind that reading is beneficial in many ways.

Namely, it can boost comprehension skills, expand their knowledge, and turn them into confident people who are one hundred percent sure that they are going to pass the exam and have excellent results. 

In case you didn’t know, there are a variety of different books that were designed with the purpose to help children and students excel on exams. Inside them, your kid will find out what he/she can expect during the exam and what needs to be done to maximize their performance.



And last but not least, Evernote. This sensational app is intended to help students achieve excellent results on their exams. If they decide to utilize it, they’ll be able to take thorough notes during classes and access them whenever it’s necessary.

No matter how frightening everything can be that’s related to exams, as you can see, there are so many phenomenal things that you and your child can rely on that are going to help him/her pass even the hardest test.