Wetland centre flies in face of lockdown in bid to boost mental health

10th November 2020

The popular Martin Mere Westland centre will stay open despite the national lockdown in a bid to improve the mental health of its visitors, bosses have said.

A spokesperson for the wetland centre said: “It’s important to us that our supporters can continue to access our wetlands and their wildlife to support physical and mental health during the lockdown.

“Connection to nature has proven to be essential throughout the pandemic and WWT feels it is important to do everything in our power to support at least some access to the countryside during the latest lockdown to help maintain our wellbeing. 

“We take your health, and that of the local community and our staff and volunteers very seriously. We’ve already gone to great lengths to make WWT Martin Mere as safe an environment as possible for everyone, because we know that’s really important to our visitors. 

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“However, to enable us to comply with the new regulations, by our understanding, we have to close off our living collections, exhibitions, play areas, shop, café and hides. We cannot offer wheelchair or mobility scooters for hire. And we cannot offer grain for sale to feed the birds. 

“Toilets and takeaway food and drink will be available. As such, we’re temporarily reducing our admission prices to a simplified £5 for adults and £2.50 for children for the duration of this lockdown. 

“If you’d like to visit, please do your bit to keep everyone safe and ensure you’re familiar with the latest Government guidelines. You can book your place at https://www.wwt.org.uk/wetland-centres/martin-mere/

“Thank you for your support – we hope to see you soon.”