Volunteer fever hits Sefton!

25th April 2018

Volunteer fever hits Sefton!

Volunteer fever is taking over Sefton as the Year of the Volunteer campaign inspires more and more people to make a difference in their communities.Hundreds of people have already pledged their time and support via Volunteering Sefton, with many more expected to do the same at a special celebration later this year.Sefton CVS, in partnership with Sefton Council, will hold a special Volunteer Celebration event on Monday June 4 at Bootle Town Hall.Coinciding with Volunteers’ Week (June 1-7), the event will provide an opportunity for local Voluntary, Community & Faith Sector and other not-for-profit organisations to recognise and celebrate the contribution of their volunteers.

Sefton-based groups or organisations can bring up to ten volunteers who will be presented with certificates of recognition for their volunteering by the Mayor of Sefton.

Places are limited and booking is essential for groups. To download a booking form click here

All forms must be returned by May 21 by email to info@volunteeringsefton.org.uk

For more information contact Mike Howlett on 0151 920 0726

See also.


