Vital hormones and their role in the body

21st October 2021

Hormones control several functions in your body, including mood, growth, metabolism, and sexual health. When you have a hormonal imbalance, all aspects of your life are affected. Here are the major hormones and their roles, guiding you toward understanding hormonal imbalance supplements for potential support and management.


Cortisol is a stress hormone. The adrenal glands will tell you when you are in a stressful situation so you can react accordingly. The hormone helps your immune function and keeps healthy blood pressure levels. 

However, consistently high cortisol levels can cause irritability, anxiety, inability to handle stress and even migraines. The health of your adrenal gland can affect your overall health. When you are under constant stress, your body will keep producing cortisol which can have negative effects.


Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

The growth hormone is linked to complex physiological processes like brain function, heart function, muscle and bone growth, and metabolism. Also, HGH plays a vital role in maintaining strong libido in men and women, so with age decline of its levels, can have problems with sexual performance. 

Growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland. The imbalance in GH can lead to premature aging and overall bad health. It is associated with increased body weight and risk of cardiovascular disease. You need to keep the hormone in check if you wish to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Melatonin controls your sleep and wake cycles. The pineal glands secrete the melatonin hormones. The sun prevents melatonin production, but when it’s dark, your body will produce the hormone and make you sleepy. 

Sleep is vital for every human being. Quality sleep will help your body repair and regenerate cells. You will feel energized, less stressed, be in a better mood, and you will be getting sick less often. Melatonin is also said to suppress the development of breast cancer cells. Interruptions to natural darkness with computers or cell phones can affect your sleep. Lack of sleep can cause premature aging, and make you more irritable.



Progesterone hormone is usually referred to as the female hormone even though it’s available in men and women. The hormone is involved in reproduction; it prepares the body for pregnancy after the egg is fertilized. 

It’s a vital hormone because it helps prevent chances of breast cancer. Any imbalance can lead to frequent miscarriages, fibroids, irregular menstrual cycles, sudden mood changes, and sleep loss. You should never go low on progesterone levels because the adverse effects can be harmful.



Estrogen is produced by the ovaries, and it regulates the menstrual cycle. It helps in maintaining pregnancy and female sex characteristics. The hormone prevails in females even though it’s present in both sexes. 

You can manage the menopause symptoms when you have healthy levels of estrogen. But if the hormones are imbalanced, you will experience vaginal dryness, fatigue, wrinkles, moodiness and depression. The bones may also become more fragile. Most women in menopause who are producing low estrogen seek hormone replacement therapy. It improves the quality of life by eliminating the symptoms.

Your doctor may recommend a female hormone blood test to check for imbalances in estrogen and progesterone levels.


Thyroid Hormone (thyroxine and triiodothyronine)

Thyroid hormone controls several bodily functions, including the level of metabolism and your energy levels. You need to break fats to stay in great shape and have the energy to do your daily activities. The hormone affects how you regulate or maintain body temperature as well. 

Your brain needs thyroid hormone to stay healthy. Lack of it can make your brain deteriorate. It does so much, including ensuring you have healthy hair and body weight. Thyroid hormones are so vital that if they’re imbalanced, your overall health will be jeopardized. Usually, women who seek fertility treatments have low thyroid hormones.


Testosterone is secreted by ovaries (in women), testes (in men), and small quantities by adrenal glands. The hormone helps with bone density, energy, endurance, weight loss and muscle mass in both sexes. 

Also, it is responsible for the development of male sex characteristics. There are many health benefits associated with testosterone for men. You can fight diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and arthritis with healthy levels of testosterone. Low testosterone levels can cause a decrease in semen production, erectile dysfunction, low bone density and loss of muscle.



Pregnenolone is produced by the adrenal glands. It’s mostly beneficial for cells and tissues, especially the nervous and brain tissues. It’s the starting material for estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, testosterone, DHEA, and aldosterone. 

That’s why it’s known as a pro-hormone. It can boost the production of other vital hormones and make you feel younger, more energetic and improve your memory. The body needs it to generate other hormones that can easily harm your health. 

You should never run low on pregnenolone, it’s always important to know the best trt clinic near me if your supply runs low. If the body does not produce enough of it, you should take supplements. They will work the same way as the natural hormones and provide the same benefits.


Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

DHEA is also a pro-hormone because it aids in the production of other hormones. The level of DHEA will peak in early adulthood and continue to reduce as you age. It’s associated with hair growth during puberty. 

Adults have many benefits like ensuring hormonal balance, maintaining the immune system, minimizing stress effects, and improving short-term memory. It’s vital for your general well-being.