Virtualization In Web Hosting: KVM vs OpenVZ

3rd February 2024

Have you ever wondered how websites coexist on the same server without interference? VPS Virtualization makes it possible! In simple terms, it’s like having multiple computers within one physical machine. Does it excite you to explore further? Today, we will discuss two prominent virtualization technologies in web hosting: KVM vs OpenVZ. Keep reading to explore further!

What Is Virtualization? 

First, let’s understand the main problem traditional server setups had. We could not host multiple websites or applications using the same hardware resources. Due to this inefficiency, many struggled to manage separate physical servers and their expensive maintenance.

Virtualization technology reversed the entire situation with a unique approach! VPS Virtualization allows us to run multiple virtual instances on the same physical server. So you can efficiently use the server resources and boost your website performance. You can optimize the server’s hardware usage and run multiple workloads simultaneously!

About VPS Virtualization in Web Hosting

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a dedicated virtualized space within a shared server environment. It provides users a more isolated and customizable hosting solution than traditional shared hosting.

VPS hosting utilizes virtualization technology to create independent virtual instances on a single physical server. Each VPS operates with its dedicated resources, such as CPU, RAM, and storage, allocated from the same physical hardware. The outcome is a hosting environment that combines the cost-effectiveness of shared hosting with a dedicated server’s performance characteristics.

What is VPS KVM Hosting technology?

KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is a hardware virtualization solution that allows multiple operating systems to run on a single host machine. KVM VPS ensures complete isolation of server instances with excellent performance compatibility.

VPS KVM hosting utilizes a hypervisor to manage the existing virtual machines. So, you can install and configure the web servers with different OS environments concurrently running on the same server hardware. This technology is known for its reliability and adaptability.

Advantages of KVM VPS: 

  Full Virtualization: A Kernel-based Virtual Machine can run on any pre-configured operating system you choose.

  Better Performance: With direct access to physical hardware, your Virtual machine runs seamlessly with less resource utilization.

  Isolation: Each virtual machine has independent resource allocations to prevent interference or security breaches.

  Custom Kernel: Users can modify the kernel to custom-build the KVM VPS environment.

  Scalability: KVM accommodates varying workloads to support changing resource demands. So, you can scale up or down the computing power in the future.

Disadvantages of SSD KVM VPS 

  Resource Intensive: KVM can be more resource-intensive compared to container-based solutions.

  Higher Overhead: The hypervisor adds some overhead, impacting overall efficiency.

  Complex Setup: Setting up KVM might require more technical expertise.

  Limited Density: KVM may not support as many virtual instances on a single server.

What is an OpenVZ Virtual Server? 

OpenVZ is a container-based virtualization solution that utilizes a single Linux kernel to host multiple isolated instances. In the context of KVM vs OpenVZ, this virtualization technique shares the host OS kernel for efficient resource utilization. OpenVZ employs a lightweight approach to handle different computing requirements. So, it is an excellent choice for hosting environments focusing on resource efficiency.

Advantages of OpenVZ Type Virtualization: 

  Resource Efficiency: OpenVZ excels in utilizing resources efficiently. So, you will never overpay for the unused resources.

  Quick Deployment: You can use this virtualization to rapidly deploy packaged applications through containers.

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  Lower Overhead: The OpenVZ virtual server has minimal overhead that efficiently optimizes resource usage.

  Easy Management: The simplicity of OpenVZ makes it user-friendly. Even without server admin knowledge, you can handle your servers.

  Cost-Effective: It allows you to host multiple machine instances on a single server. So you don’t overspend on additional server components.

Disadvantages of Open Virtuozzo Over Storage KVM VPS 

  Limited OS Compatibility: OpenVZ supports Linux-based operating systems only.

  Shared Kernel: Sharing the kernel may pose security concerns.

  Less Isolation: Compared to KVM, OpenVZ has less strict isolation.

  Customization Constraints: Users may need more flexibility in modifying the kernel.

KVM vs OpenVZ: Which One Should You Choose? 

Choosing between VPS KVM hosting and OpenVZ depends on your specific requirements. Here are the core differences:

  Isolation: KVM provides more secure isolation with independent virtual machines for VPS virtualization. However, OpenVZ shares the host system’s kernel to offer efficiency that potentially lowers security.

  Compatibility: KVM supports various operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and macOS, providing versatility. OpenVZ virtual server is designed for Linux environments, limiting the range of supported operating systems.

  Resource Usage: Storage KVM VPS may use more resources but offers superior performance to support resource-intensive tasks. OpenVZ is resource-efficient for quick deployment but sacrifices performance sometimes.

  OS Support: KVM Virtualization supports diverse operating systems concurrently, offering flexibility for various needs. OpenVZ is tailored for Linux, supporting a limited number of host and guest operating systems distributions.

  Kernel-Version: KVM VPS virtualization requires a specific kernel module closely tied to the host system’s kernel. On the contrary, OpenVZ uses a patched kernel that differs from standard kernels in other Linux distributions.

  Price: Virtualization solutions often come with licensing costs, whereas OpenVZ is an open-source project, generally free to use. Additional fees for the OpenVZ virtual server may arise for future support and maintenance.

  Risk of Overselling: OpenVZ servers are often oversold because they are cost-effective. Meanwhile, KVM machines come at a bit costlier in pricing, offering higher isolation and better reliability.

Here is a table view of KVM vs OpenVZ for your reference:

Feature KVM OpenVZ
Isolation Strong Limited
Compatibility Diverse Linux only
Resource Usage More Less
Performance High Efficient
Flexibility Customizable Limited

Summary: Choose SSD KVM VPS for diverse OS support and prominent isolation with high performance. Otherwise, you can opt for OpenVZ servers if you prioritize quick deployments at lower pricing and compromised speed.

Making The Final Call 

So, who wins in the battle of KVM vs OpenVZ? As discussed in the previous section, the choice between these two virtualization techniques comes down to your specific needs. Assess your priorities regarding server performance and resource utilization needs to make the final call!