Town centre bar face month long booze ban after police trouble

31st July 2023

Council chiefs have said a town centre bar can’t sell alcohol for a month after reported trouble at the venue.

Sefton Council said their licensing committee had determined there had been “continued non cooperation” by the owner of Oath Lounge on Lord Street and “serious concerns” about the “conduct and attitude of those managing the licence”

Police investigating after hours disorder at the Oath Lounge on Lord Street back in May say CCTV footage which would have aided their work mysteriously vanished.

The incident involved a woman allegedly being restrained on the floor when police arrived after closing time one evening.

They now say they have no confidence in how the small bar is run and forced the council into launch a review of the bar’s licence.

At a committee hearing today it was decided to suspend the Oath Lounge license for one month.