Tory Councillor: benefit claimants are “pond life” that “should be sterilised and washed”..

23rd June 2019

A Tory politician from Middlesbrough has been forced to apologise after describing people on benefits as “pond life” that should be “washed and sterilised”.

Cllr David Smith compared benefit claimants to “rotten pond life families”, whilst accusing the Labour Party of a giving a voice to people who “should be sterilised and washed”.

After being challenged he added: “I’m not talking about everyone.

“There are so many genuine cases. But there is a large portion who are claimants that take the absolute Pi$$.

“Yet they continue to breed. Rabbits the lot of them.”

Do Southport’s largely invisible (unless an election is near) Tory councillors, share Mr Smith’s radical views concerning people on benefits?

Despite widespread warnings of the suffering Universal Credit causes from organisations such as The Trussell Trust, the UK’s largest foodbank network, Damien Moore warmly welcomed it to the town.

Tory MP’s staunch support for Universal Credit could lose him Southport claim

The Tory MP, whose majority is less than 3,000, has been a staunch defender of the heavily criticised operation, claiming: ” The Government have purposefully managed a careful and controlled Universal Credit roll-out… Universal Credit is simple and fair and will be effective for the whole country. ”
