Top Cross-Browser Compatibility Issues & How TestNG Can Help

1st August 2023

Cross-browser testing, including Selenium automation testing, is the process of verifying that a web application or website works as expected across different browsers and devices. It is an essential part of web development and quality assurance, ensuring that the end-users have a consistent and optimal experience regardless of their browser choice.

However, cross-browser testing can be challenging and time-consuming, as many browsers and devices are available in the market, each with its features, specifications, and behaviors. Moreover, web standards and technologies constantly evolve, which can introduce new cross-browser compatibility issues.

However, cross-browser testing can be challenging and time-consuming, as many factors can affect the compatibility and performance of a web application, such as:

  • CSS rendering discrepancies
  • JavaScript compatibility problems
  • Variations in font rendering
  • Variations in HTML5 support
  • Browser-specific bugs

To overcome these challenges, web developers and testers must use effective tools and techniques to help them automate and streamline cross-browser testing. One such tool is TestNG, a Java-based testing framework that provides a powerful and flexible way to perform cross-browser testing.

In this article, we will explore what cross-browser compatibility issues are, why cross-browser testing is essential, how TestNG can help with cross-browser testing, and how to get started with TestNG for cross-browser testing. We will also share some best practices for cross-browser testing with TestNG. So, let’s get started!

Understanding Cross-Browser Compatibility Issues

Cross-browser compatibility issues are the differences or inconsistencies that occur when a web application or website is viewed or interacted with on different browsers or devices. These issues can affect the functionality, usability, appearance, and performance of a web application and can result in poor user experience, lower conversion rates, higher bounce rates, and negative feedback. Some other elements are browser differences, device differences, and user preferences. To avoid or minimize these issues, web developers and testers must perform cross-browser testing on their web applications or websites.

Some of the Common Cross-Browser Compatibility Issues

CSS Rendering Discrepancies

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the language that defines the style and layout of a web page. However, different browsers may interpret and apply CSS rules differently, resulting in variations in how a web page looks on other browsers. For example, some browsers may have different default values for margins, padding, fonts, colors, etc., or may not support specific CSS properties or values.

JavaScript Compatibility Problems

JavaScript is the scripting language that adds interactivity and functionality to a web page. However, different browsers may have different levels of support for JavaScript features or syntax or may implement JavaScript engines differently, resulting in variations in how a web page behaves on other browsers. For example, some browsers may not support specific JavaScript methods or objects or may handle errors differently.

Variations in Font Rendering

Fonts are the graphical representation of text on a web page. However, different browsers may render fonts differently, resulting in variations in how text looks on other browsers. For example, some browsers may use various font smoothing or anti-aliasing techniques or may not support specific font formats or styles.

Variation in HTML5 Support

The HTML5 language is the most recent version of HTML (HyperText Markup Language), which defines the structure and content of a web page. HTML5 introduces new features and elements that enhance the functionality and usability of a web page. However, different browsers may have different levels of support for HTML5 features or elements, resulting in variations in how a web page displays or works on different browsers. For example, some browsers may not support certain HTML5 tags or attributes or may handle HTML5 validation differently.

Browser-Specific Bugs

Bugs are errors or defects that cause a web application or website to malfunction or behave unexpectedly. However, some bugs may only occur on specific browsers or versions due to browser-specific quirks or limitations. For example, some browsers may have memory leaks or performance issues that affect the speed or stability of a web application.

The Importance of Cross-Browser Testing

Cross-browser testing is a crucial part of web development and quality assurance, as it helps verify that a web application or website functions correctly and looks appealing across different browsers and devices. By performing cross-browser testing, web developers and testers can:

  • Identify and resolve cross-browser compatibility issues that may prevent the web application from working as intended or displaying correctly on various browsers and devices. These issues may include layout problems, broken features, inconsistent behavior, performance degradation, security vulnerabilities, etc.
  • Ensure the quality and reliability of the web application by testing its functionality, usability, accessibility, performance, security, etc., on different browsers and devices. It can help avoid errors, bugs, crashes, or failures affecting the end users or the business.
  • Enhance user satisfaction and loyalty by providing a consistent and optimal user experience across different browsers and devices. It helps retain existing users, attract new ones, and increase engagement and retention.
  • Improve brand reputation and credibility by delivering a professional and polished web application that works well on different browsers and devices. It can help build trust and confidence among the users and stakeholders and differentiate the web application from competitors.
  • Increase conversion rates and revenue by optimizing the web application for different browsers and devices. It can help improve the web application’s performance, speed, responsiveness, usability, etc., which can influence the user’s decision-making process and behavior.

Introducing TestNG

TestNG is a Java-based testing framework that provides a powerful and flexible way to perform various types of testing, such as unit testing, functional testing, integration testing, regression testing, etc. TestNG stands for Test Next Generation, as it aims to overcome the limitations of other testing frameworks such as JUnit or NUnit.

TestNG is designed to support different levels of testing, from simple to complex, and other testing scopes, from single classes to multiple packages. TestNG allows the testers to define and organize their test cases and test methods in various ways, such as annotations, XML files, groups, dependencies, parameters, etc.

TestNG also provides multiple features and functionalities that can help testers to execute and manage their tests efficiently and effectively, such as reporting, logging, assertions, listeners, data providers, etc. TestNG is compatible with other tools and libraries that can enhance its capabilities, such as Selenium WebDriver, Maven, Jenkins, etc.

How TestNG Helps with Cross-Browser Testing?

TestNG can help with cross-browser testing by providing the following:

  • Parallel Test Execution: TestNG allows running multiple tests in parallel, which can significantly reduce the test execution time and improve the test coverage. TestNG supports parallel test execution at different levels, such as methods, classes, tests, suites, etc. This feature is especially useful for cross-browser testing, as it enables testing a web application on multiple browsers simultaneously.
  • Cross-Browser Test Configuration: TestNG allows configuring cross-browser tests using XML files, which can specify the test parameters, such as browser name, browser version, platform, etc. TestNG also supports parameterization and data-driven testing, which can help pass different values or data sets to the tests. This feature is helpful for cross-browser testing, as it enables testing a web application with varying combinations of browsers and data.
  • Flexible Test Automation: TestNG allows automating cross-browser tests using Selenium WebDriver, a popular tool that enables interacting with web browsers programmatically. TestNG integrates well with Selenium WebDriver and provides annotations and assertions that can help define and verify the test scenarios. TestNG also supports dependency injection and grouping, which can help manage the test dependencies and priorities.
  • Detailed Reporting and Logging: TestNG provides comprehensive and customizable reports and logs that can help analyze the test results and identify the root causes of the test failures. TestNG reports include information such as test name, status, duration, test output, test exceptions, etc. TestNG also supports generating HTML reports, XML reports, emailable reports, etc. TestNG logs include information such as test execution steps, test configuration details, test parameters, etc.

Getting Started with TestNG for Cross-Browser Testing

To get started with TestNG for cross-browser testing, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Setting Up TestNG

To set up TestNG, you need to:

  • Install Java Development Kit (JDK) on your system
  • Install an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA on your system
  • Install the TestNG plugin on your IDE
  • Install Selenium WebDriver on your system
  • Download the browser drivers for the browsers you want to test on your system

Step 2: Writing Cross-Browser Test Cases

To write cross-browser test cases using TestNG and Selenium WebDriver, you need to:

  • Create a Java project in your IDE
  • Add TestNG and Selenium WebDriver libraries to your project
  • Create a Java class that extends the TestNG class
  • Annotate the class with @Test annotation
  • Create a method that initializes the WebDriver instance based on the browser parameter
  • Annotate the method with @BeforeMethod annotation
  • Create a method that closes the WebDriver instance after each test
  • Annotate the method with @AfterMethod annotation
  • Create one or more methods that define the test scenarios using Selenium WebDriver commands
  • Annotate each method with @Test annotation
  • Use Assert methods to verify the expected outcomes

Step 3: Running Tests Across Multiple Browsers

To run tests across multiple browsers using TestNG, you need to:

  • Create an XML file that specifies the test suite name, test name, browser parameter, class name, method name, etc.
  • Run the XML file as a TestNG suite
  • View the test results in the TestNG report or log

Best Practices for Cross-Browser Testing with TestNG

To perform cross-browser testing effectively and efficiently with TestNG, follow these best practices:

Regularly Update Browsers and Test Environments

Regularly update your browsers and test environments to ensure you are testing your web application on the latest versions and platforms. It can help you avoid compatibility issues due to outdated or deprecated features or bugs.

Use CSS Resets or Normalization

It would help if you used CSS resets or normalization to remove or standardize the default styles applied by different browsers. It can help you achieve a consistent look and feel of your web page across different browsers.

Handle JavaScript and Feature Detection

Consider handling JavaScript and feature detection gracefully in your web application. By using progressive enhancement or graceful degradation techniques to provide alternative or fallback options for browsers that do not support certain JavaScript features or syntax. There is also scope to use feature detection libraries such as Modernizr to detect and handle browser-specific features or capabilities.

Consider Mobile Responsiveness

Considering mobile responsiveness in your web design and development is a must. You should use responsive web design techniques such as media queries, fluid grids, flexible images, etc., to make your web page adapt to different screen sizes and orientations. Also, use mobile-friendly frameworks such as Bootstrap or Foundation to simplify your web development process.

Utilize Cross-Browser Testing Tools

Here utilizing cross-browser testing tools that can help you automate and simplify your cross-browser testing process. It is advisable to utilize tools like LambdaTest for your tasks.

LambdaTest stands out as a cloud-based automation testing platform, providing users with access to an extensive array of browsers and devices. With LambdaTest, testers can effortlessly perform compatibility tests on 3000+ testing environments and real device cloud, ensuring that their web applications or websites function flawlessly across various browser environments. This capability is crucial as it helps identify and rectify issues that might arise due to browser-specific variations.

Additionally, For running tests at scale, LambdaTest integrates seamlessly with popular test automation frameworks like Selenium Grid and TestNG Grid. This integration empowers testers to distribute their test cases efficiently, performing parallel tests on local or remote machines. Such flexibility in test execution ensures better resource utilization and quick identification of compatibility issues across various browser configurations.


Cross-browser testing is a vital part of web development and quality assurance, as it helps ensure that a web application or website works as expected across different browsers and devices. However, cross-browser testing can be challenging and time-consuming, as many factors can affect the compatibility and performance of a web application.

To overcome these challenges, web developers and testers must use effective tools and techniques to help them automate and streamline cross-browser testing. One such tool is TestNG, a Java-based testing framework that provides a powerful and flexible way to perform cross-browser testing.

We hope this article has helped you understand how to perform cross-browser testing with TestNG. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Happy testing! 😊