TODAY | Southport Hesketh Round Table Children In Need Collection

16th November 2018

The Southport Hesketh Round Table are out and about in Southport today, collecting donations for BBC1’s Children In Need.

Marc Foreman, Ways&Means Officer for the Round Table is very excited this year, as they hope to meet, greet and collect from more businesses and schools than ever before.

The team are starting at the Southport Train station saying hi to the commuters, then travelling to local businesses and schools in the area.

The Round Table raises and donates £1000’s of pounds to local charities and communities in the area and organise charitable events like the Mad Dog 10k run, Santa Float and the yearly Bonfire/fireworks display and are always looking for new table members, men aged between 18-45. They meet twice a month and do activities like clay pidgeon shooting, paddle boarding, skiing, dragon boat racing and many more meals and drinks-related jollies.

For anyone interested in joining in please see our Facebook page or email