Support available for people to stress less!

18th April 2019

Stress Awareness Month is held every year in April, in order to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures for modern stress. This Stress Awareness Month, health professionals from Lancashire Care are encouraging people who are experiencing high levels of stress to get in touch.

A number of factors in all our lives can cause us to get stressed from time to time; the most common being our finances, relationships and work. Stress may also be caused by major life events such as a bereavement or unemployment.

According to the Mental health Foundation 74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some point over the last year they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope. With this in mind the Trust’s Wellbeing and Mental Health Helpline and Mindsmatter Talking Therapy Service is encouraging people who may be feeling lonely, stressed or experiencing mental health problems to get in touch.

Lorraine Khalaf, Wellbeing and Mental Health Helpline Manager at Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust said:

“The helpline is here to provide a confidential listening and emotional support line to those who are concerned about their own mental health, or that of someone they know. We also provide general help for people who are having difficulty in maintaining their own wellbeing.

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“Stress affects 1 in 4 people and as part of Stress Awareness Month we would like to remind people that the helpline is available to support anyone who feels they need it.  No one should have to suffer alone and we urge anyone who needs someone to talk to, to get in touch.”

Kieran Fleck, PWP Lead Mindsmatter at Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust said:

“The Mindsmatter service is designed with an emphasis on the ease of access to support for those who require our assistance. We have a self-referral process whereby people can directly refer themselves to the team either by telephone, using our online self-referral form or completing a postal form. Once we receive the referral, the person will receive a telephone assessment from one of our Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners who will discuss their needs and work with them to decide what type of treatment will be most helpful. It is important people are aware of the support available to them so they don’t suffer alone.”

The helpline is open Monday to Friday 7pm to 11pm and Saturday and Sunday 12 midday to 12 midnight. For more information about the Wellbeing and Mental Health Helpline, please call them on 0800 915 4640 or visit and for information about your local Mindsmatter Service please visit