Staffie attack on Wennington Road Southport!

24th April 2015

Photo: Wennington Road

OTSnews has been contacted following a dog attacked a family on Wennington Road Southport today, Thursday 23 April. 

A resident said:

“My sister and her partner were taking their young son and dog for a walk down Wennington Road. A couple approached us with a staffie dog and the girl holding the lead let go of the dog. The dog then came running towards us and made a beeline for my sisters dog. Luckily we acted quickly and picked up our dog so then the staffie went for my sister’s little boy who was on his trike at the time.  My sister then had to pick him up in the trike to stop the dog getting to him. This was a very traumatic experience for all of us and left us feeling shocked.

Does anyone know who this couple with the staffie are? They need reporting to the police!”


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