Southport voluntary group awarded grant from the Big Lottery Fund

8th November 2018
Southport Access For Everyone (SAFE) an access group for people with a disability based in Southport has been awarded a Big Lottery Fund grant to help it to carry on the good work it does for the Southport community.

SAFE works with local businesses and service providers to make premises and services accessible to people with all types of disability; in many cases this work also helps elderly people and young families with prams and push chairs.

The group which meets on the 4th Monday of the month at Victoria Methodist Church in Sussex Rd is on Twitter @southportaccess and has its own website which can be viewed at The website contains a lot of useful information and details of past and current projects.

The dates of future meetings which are open to people of all ages with or without disabilities can also be found on the website and are published in the local media nearer the time.

A spokesperson for the group said that everyone was delighted that the Big Lottery Fund had recognised the importance of the work that SAFE does and that the grant would help to ensure that this work could continue.