Southport MP hails fourth successful beach clean

16th July 2019

Damien Moore MP has hailed a recent action day on Southport as a success as he was joined by local residents and staff from supermarkets to collect discarded plastics.

It is estimated that 34 billion tonnes of plastic will be manufactured over the coming years, some of which will end up in the oceans causing significant damage to marine life and spoiling coastal landscapes, including Southport. 

The majority of items collected on the action day were single-use plastics such as, straws, plastic sachets and throwaway coffee cups with plastic lids. 

The Southport MP spoke with volunteers after the event and explained that the use of these plastic items were avoidable and can easily be replaced with recyclable, refillable or multiple-use items. 

Commenting, Damien said: 

‘I was delighted to organise another Beach Clean in Southport. It is important that we all make the effort to keep Southport’s coastline free from plastic. I was encouraged by the number of people that turned up to support the event and I am thankful for all the time they have given for such a worthy cause.’

‘It would only take small changes to eliminate and replace these kinds of single-use plastics and reduce the negative environmental impact.’

‘I will be announcing the next event in the coming weeks.’