Furious residents have asked why Southport’s MP has blocked them on twitter.
The free speech ban is believed to be down to challenges against Moore’s voting habits.
The letter reads…
“Dear Damien Moore,
We the undersigned are all constituents of Southport that have been banned from commenting on one or more of your social media accounts.
While we have been politely critical of some of your posts, we would hope that it would be possible to engage meaningfully with our elected representative through such avenues, and we are disappointed that you are unilaterally choosing not to do this.
We request that, unless you can provide evidence of discourtesy or unpleasantness, you remove the bans and engage in political debate in an adult and democratic manner.
Yours sincerely
Dawn Aspinall, Janis Blackburne, Dr. Leo Donnelly, Sandra Hazeldon, Linda Heap, Anna Hubbard Rolf Jordan, Dr. Dave Neary, Samantha Sanderson-Marshall, Frances Spall
Ged Wright”
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