Southport man admits inflicting grievous bodily harm

9th March 2021

Southport father of one Jamie Ashall avoided an immediate custodial sentence this week after breaking a man’s jaw in three places on a night out in the town in November 2019.

The vicious and unprovoked attack left victim Matthew O’Callaghan with his jaw wired shut, having to drink through a straw for several months.

Ashall has ten previous convictions for eleven offences, none of which were for violent crimes.

Appearing at Liverpool Crown Court this week after admitting to inflicting grievous bodily harm, Ashall was handed a 16-month sentence suspended for two years. He must pay £750 in compensation, complete 40 Rehabilitation Activity Requirements and 120 hours of unpaid work.

Ashall was also subjected to a five-year restraining order preventing him from any contact with the victim.

Brendan Carville, Ashall’s defence council told the court, “He has stopped drinking partly because of what happened on this night.” and his client showed, “almost instant remorse,” at the time of the incident.