Southport FC chief called out by FA after twitter rant

24th December 2018

Southport’s Chief exec has been left with egg on his face after trying to deny a story saying he’s been charged by the FA over allegedly abusing a referee.

OTS News revealed the charge from the FA following an incident at the Curzon Ashton game but Yellows Chief Phil Hodgkinson hit back on Twitter saying it wasn’t true.
He claimed the story was ‘only 30% true”

However the FA have now published the full details of the charge on their official website, leaving Hodgkinson without a leg to stand on.

An FA spokesperson told OTS “It is alleged that following the end of the fixture Mr Hodgkinson’s language was abusive and/or insulting and/or questioned the integrity of the Match Official.”

Hodgkinson denies the charge and a paper hearing will now take place.
He had originally said the story was ‘poor and lazy journalistic’ and claimed it was inaccurate.