Southport concern as new figures reveal substandard seaside wages under Tories

15th October 2019

New figures released show that workers in seaside towns like Southport earn on average £1,600 a year less than those living inland.

The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Coastal Communities says the latest figures show that seaside areas are “being left behind”.

Poverty levels locally are already a concern for many. Southport Foodbank reported distributing just under 50,000 meals in 2018/19, while worries over problems with the Conservative’s flagship welfare programme, Universal Credit, have also been expressed.

Under government plans, approximately one in four local households will be placed on the system – which was warmly welcomed to the area by Southport’s Conservative MP.

Universal Credit has though been widely condemned for its failings and the suffering it has caused, with Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn describing it as “inhumane” and an “unmitigated disaster”.

Labour’s Southport Parliamentary Candidate Liz Savage says the new figures, released by the BBC after analysis of Office of National Statistics data, reinforce growing concern over the long term effects of Conservative and Liberal Democrat austerity policies:


“Southport has been hit like may other coastal communities by the effects of nearly a decade of cuts to local services and largely stagnant wages due to austerity.”


“One of the few things to ‘flourish’ here during this period has been the foodbank network, which is a terrible indictment of local Lib Dems and Tories, whose MPs both voted for vicious austerity measures during this time.”


“The incredible wealth in this country has to be shared far more equitably. Towns like Southport would benefit greatly from such an approach and from the huge investment in local communities that Labour will bring.”


“That and policies such as promptly bringing in a Real Living Wage of at least £10 an hour; building genuinely affordable homes and ending the thoroughly discredited Universal Credit system will make a real difference to the lives of many in the area.”

“The Institue of Fiscal Studies and commercial bank Citi have just released a report backing Labour’s plans and saying they are far better for the economy than those of Boris Johson and the Conservatives, importantly they are far better for local people too!”

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