Southport BID announce appointment of new Chief Executive

21st October 2019

The Southport BID Board are pleased to announce the appointment of Rachel Fitzgerald as their new Chief Executive. Brought in to head up the BIDs management team following the retirement of Hugh Evans earlier this year, Rachel comes to the BID after several years heading up The Big Trust in Liverpool. Having worked for several years as Regional Manager for Business in the Community, Rachel has worked extensively with not for profit organisations delivering improvement in the community for businesses, people and place. Rachel is also highly experienced in securing grant funding and investment and working in partnership with public bodies.

Rachel, a Southport resident herself, says of her ambition in the role “Southport is a wonderful town and I am personally committed to bringing people together so, in partnership, we can realise this town’s full potential. I want to be part of creating an evolving town in which talent and positivity can thrive and a town that is desirable to come to work, live and visit”

The BID is overseen by a Board of Voluntary Directors made up from representatives of levy payers and key stakeholders who oversaw Rachel’s recruitment. Susannah Porter, the BID’s interim Chair says “We are thrilled to have Rachel joining us to see the BID through it’s second term. Rachel has superb experience and a great set of skills to be able to deliver the more strategic, investment and regeneration driven plan we have for the BID going forward. Not only does Rachel have the drive, passion and ability needed to help make a positive difference to the future of Southport, she is an extremely approachable and open person who will be a huge asset to both the Management team and Southport itself”

Rachel will formally take up the role in January but will be available to meet levy payers at their AGM on the 14th of November. The event takes place at the Bold Hotel at 5.30pm and will host a range of keynote speakers. The BID’s new five-year term begins on the 1st November and runs until October 2024. For more information on the new term, AGM or the projects the BID carries out on behalf of levy payers please head to or follow the BID on social media