Smart Contract Security in DeFi: Challenges and Solutions

27th June 2023

Discussing the secuirty trends in the DeFi sector of Web3

It is impossible to imagine Web3 without DeFi. In today’s Web3 ecosystem, DeFI has become an inseparable part of the Web3 ecosystem. Also, the sector involves major investments and draws huge attention towards Web3.

Until the writing of this blog, 21st June 23, 2023’s total value locked(TVL) high is recorded to be a whopping $53.63 billion, which was on April 14. One aspect of this TVL showcases the importance of secuirty when it comes to DeFi. 

The more the value, the higher likely it is to attract threats. Considering that all DeFI protocols stand on the ground of the marvellous smart contracts, there is no denying that smart contracts are sometimes vulnerable if not properly coded. These vulnerabilities later become doom for the project owners and the investors, and the whole Web3 community to speak of. The vulnerabilities are something which must be taken care of at all costs.

In this blog post, we will explore the unique challenges faced in securing smart contracts in DeFi and discuss effective solutions to mitigate risks and enhance the overall security of decentralised finance. Since it must be a topmost priority for the project developers., Let’s start.

1. Complexity and Interconnectedness:

Since DeFi protocols are specifically crafted codebases, it is essential to completely understand the complexity of these protocols before we even start developing. Since it can get complex very quickly, considering all the dependencies and correct implementation of complex mechanisms of the project is essential.

The problem often lies in the composability, where smart contracts from different protocols interact, creating unforeseen attack surfaces. Being wary of such vulnerabilities is important as they can be devastating. Implementing robust secuirty measures to address the complexity and minimise exploitability is of utmost importance.

2. Smart Contract Vulnerabilities in DeFi:

Identifying common vulnerabilities, such as reentrancy attacks, input validation issues, and unauthorised fund transfers, that can impact DeFi protocols is very crucial for the success of the protocol.

The same is true for recognising the significance of secure coding practices, adhering to industry-standard frameworks like OpenZeppelin, and conducting thorough security audits and penetration testing to identify and fix vulnerabilities.

3. Oracles and External Data Security:

Understanding the importance of oracles in providing external data to DeFi applications and the associated risks is important since they provide information that the protocol, in many cases relies on; thus, the implementation of oracle security measures, including data source diversification, data aggregation techniques, and cryptographic proofs is carefully done. It is always better to leverage reputable Oracle providers and utilise Oracles which prioritise security and data integrity.

4. Gas Optimization and Efficiency:

Balancing gas optimisation techniques with security measures to ensure efficient contract execution without compromising security is the need of today’s userbase as people do not want to spend more on gas unnecessarily, thus leveraging gas-efficient coding practices, such as minimising storage operations and reducing unnecessary computations and employing optimisation tools and frameworks to identify and eliminate gas-intensive operations are given priority by protocols.

5. Upgradability and Smart Contract Governance:

Designing smart contracts with upgradability in mind to address security vulnerabilities and incorporate improvements is a challenge a developer must take on to create a secure protocol.

Implementing robust security measures, including external attack surface management, to address the complexity and minimize exploitability is of utmost importance. Also, establishing upgrade mechanisms that maintain compatibility, prevent unauthorised modifications, and ensure contract immutability when necessary are essential for a protocol.

6. Education and Community Collaboration:

Many hacks result from a need for more information and training of the users; thus, promoting awareness and education on smart contract security and best practices within the DeFi community is necessary.

Another impactful way is to encourage collaboration between developers, auditors, and security experts to share knowledge and insights. Participating in bug bounty programs and incentivising responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities to strengthen security often goes a long way.


Looking at the current state of Web3 hacks, according to a study, the number of attacks almost doubled in Q1 of 2023 as to Q1 of 2022, which is a haunting stat and raises quite a few concerns for the Web3 community and calls for rapid actions to tackle such issues to help the community get stronger.

We learned about different issues the current DeFI industry faces regarding Secuirty and what areas need improvement. It is appreciable how continuous efforts and development, resulting from a committed community, are helping our protocols stay secure. And a big part of that is Auditing firms who do a commendable job securing the protocols.

Protocols now value Smart Contract auditing, which is also in the best interest of the entire Web3 community as audits help protocols to stay secure and secuirty, and trustability will help make our community grow bigger and stronger.