Shoppers need to unite to save Southport

17th October 2018

Shoppers need to unite to save Southport

Shoppers are growing increasingly disturbed by the number of shops that have closed in Southport over the last two years.

A once thriving town is slowly, sadly turning into a shadow of its former self.

The finger of blame has been pointed at a host of organisations including the government, the council, greedy landlords.

One resident said “our lovely market hall is almost an empty shell of a building. Visitors and locals alike need to be encouraged to shop here.

Obviously, many more new businesses need to be encouraged to establish themselves there.

The council needs to take urgent action to rectify the situation, even if it means offering free rental periods to help businesses get established.

Most importantly local people need to use it – you know the saying ‘use it or lose it’.”
