Shoddy work on Southport Pier

14th March 2019

Shoddy work on Southport pier is spoiling the experience for walkers.

Gary Burgess, a worried walker told OTS News:

“My family has been walking on the Pier for some years now, and wondered what improvements had been made.

On a recent Saturday, my wife and I ventured onto the Pier from the Plaza entrance, heading to the far end, and straight away my wife tripped over a screw that had not been fixed down properly on one of the walk boards.

Another couple of yards on, she fell again – same problem even though we are both active and are not prone to tripping over.

After these mishaps, we started to look at how many of the new screws that had been used were either protruding badly, or had just been bent over, and noticed that some of the boards were loose and not flush.

This is just shoddy work. Surely this should’ve been checked”