Sefton professionals launch video campaign for Self Care Week

18th November 2019

A series of short videos showcasing some of the free support that is available to Sefton residents to support their health and wellbeing is being launched during Self Care Week (18 – 24 November).

Professionals from NHS South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), NHS Southport and Formby CCG, Living Well Sefton, Access Sefton and NHS Informatics Merseyside have come together to create the video campaign. They are reminding residents of the advice and services in the borough to help them with minor illnesses and to generally look after themselves and those around them.

‘Think Self Care for Life’ is the strapline this year from the Self Care Forum and is all about people making improvements in their lives to protect their physical health and mental wellbeing.

Karen Nolan at Living Well Sefton says: “Living Well Sefton enables people to make small changes to their lives that can have a big impact on their wellbeing. We offer individual and group support around a broad range of issues from eating better and being more active to managing debt. All Sefton residents are eligible can self refer via our website or give us a call on 0300 323 0181”

Elizabeth Forrest, a Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) Therapist at Access Sefton, the CCGs’ commissioned talking therapies service, says: “We help people over the age of 16 with their mental health. You can self refer or be referred by your GP to the service for anxiety, depression and other common mental health conditions.

“We offer free, easy access to a range on proven one-to-one talking therapies, including guided self-help, cognitive behavioural therapy and counselling, as well as group workshops, telephone and web-based treatments.”

The CCGs in Sefton are also reminding you that your pharmacist can offer advice on minor illnesses and give you advice on what over the counter medicines you might need.

Grace Harris, a pharmacist at the CCGs, says: “It’s so important to look after yourself and those around you to avoid becoming ill, especially in winter. We are also reminding you to stock up on over the counter medicines such as paracetamol before the Christmas period.

“We can offer clinical advice on a range of topics without an appointment or tell you which NHS service you might need if it is more serious. We can also advise on the correct use of medicines and devices when you need it.”

The CCGs head of medicines management, Susanne Lynch, also reminds people that antibiotics are not always needed and why it’s important that we reduce the prescribing of them: “We need to preserve antibiotics for when we really need them and we are calling on you, the public to join us in tackling antibiotic resistance by listening to your GP, pharmacist or nurse’s advice and only take antibiotics when necessary.


“Taking antibiotics just in case may seem like a harmless act, but it can have negative consequences for you and your family’s health in the future.”


NHS Informatics Merseyside and the CCGs are also reminding residents about the NHS app, which can be used on an iphone or android device that gives people access to a wealth of information such as checking symptoms and much more. NHS 111 online ( or via telephone can also help with checking symptoms and directing you to the right NHS service should you need it. Both of these services can save time visiting your doctor when it may not be necessary.

To watch the short videos on Sefton services that can help you, please visit the NHS South Sefton CCG or NHS Southport and Formby CCG you tube pages or websites: /

For more information on Access Sefton please call 0300 303 2708 and for Living Well Sefton please visit: