Search launched for Mini driver who hit wheelchair user

15th June 2023

A Southport wheelchair user is in A&E being treated after they were hit by a reversing car in Southport.

The incident happened on Southbank Road on Tuesday after a cream coloured Mini accidentally reversed into a wheelchair user at a set of temporary traffic lights.

David Tyson-Charteris was in his adapted wheelchair with a cycling attachment waiting at the lights when the female driver of the Mini accidentally reversed into him, causing a significant amount of damage.

Following the incident David has had to be taken to A&E for treatment to his injuries which have grown worse in the aftermath.

A search has now been launched for the driver of the Mini, although David stresses this isn’t a witch hunt.

He said: “On Tuesday 13th June at around 12.45 at the temporary traffic lights on Southbank Road, I was stationary behind a cream mini with a black roof.

“The driver was female, 30-50yrs old, with fair hair and wearing glasses.

“I was in my wheelchair with an electric bike attachment.

“As the lights turned green, the mini driver put the vehicle in reverse (presumably by accident) and hit me, tipping my chair and buckling the handlebars of the bike.

“There was a loud crack and crunching noises and the driver looked in her rear view mirror, but then she drove away at speed and I was unable to take her details or catch her registration number.

”The mini is likely to have damage to the rear bumper on the nearside.

“I appreciate that, in that situation, people panic and flee because they are in shock but I would be grateful if she could get in touch.

“A Royal Mail man in a van kindly stopped to ask if I was ok for which I’m grateful. I managed to stay in the chair.

“Me and my bike however, are not ok. I am insured though and can have this repaired but I will need her insurance details. I have started to ask locally for CCTV but thought I might be in luck tracing the driver by using the power of Facebook.

“If you are the driver and you are reading this, or if you know the driver, or if you’ve even noticed a cream mini with damage to the rear bumper please contact me.”